Caryophyllaceae |
![]() Stellaria media (L.) VILL. subsp. media (L.) VILL. |
Stellaria L.
S. media (L.) Vill., Hist. PL Dauph. 3: 615 (1789). Syn: Alsine media L., Sp. PI. 272 (1753). Annual herb, sprawling or weakly erect. Lower leaves petiolate, cordate or ovate; upper with short petioles or sessile, often larger than the lower leaves. Inflorescence usually with ± condensed branches, sometimes appearing umbellate, or rarely lax and much branched. Sepals 3-7 mm, acute, glabrous or hairy. Petals usually 5, not exceeding sepals, sometimes very small or 0. Stamens 3-10. Styles 3. Capsule valves usually slightly exceeding calyx and split nearly to base. A very variable, cosmopolitan species. The taxa here recognised as subordinate to S. media are often treated as species (cf. Flora Europaea 1: 134 (1964); Fl. URSS 6: 395-7, 1936). 1. Stems with a single line of hairs only, or glabrous 2. Stamens 8-10 subsp. neglecta 2. Stamens 3-5(-7) 3. Petals at least half the calyx length; stamens 5-7 subsp. media 3. Petals absent or very small and malformed; stamens 3-5 subsp. pallida 1. Stems hairy all round, at least above subsp. postii subsp. media. Ic: Bonnier, Fl. Comp. Fr., Suisse et Belge 2: t. 87 f. 455 (1913). Fl. 4-6. Described from Europe. A2(E) Istanbul: Şişli to Ihlamur, 17 iv 1892, Azn! A2(A) Istanbul: Anadolu Hisar to Göksu, 6 iv 1892, Azn.! Kocaeli: Tuzla, 26 iv 1897, Azn.! Bursa: Ulu-dağ, 15 v 1955, M. Heilbronn! A3 Bolu: Bolu, 700 m, 25 v 1953, Özgen 31! A4 Zonguldak: Büyük kapuz near Zonguldak, Demiriz 1548! A6 Samsun: Sam-sun, 10 m, Tobey 442! A7 Gümüşane: Daltaban nr. Gümüşane, Sint. 1894: 5493! A9 Çoruh: Kordevan Da. nr. Yalnizçam, 2100 m, D. 30194! Bl Izmir: Çesme to Sifne, 30 m, D. 41857! B4 Ankara: Ankara Orman Çiftliği, Alinoğlu 231! C6 Gaziantep: Bal Kuz nr. Birecik, 400 m, Haradj. 1027! W. Syria, Syrian Desert. This variety includes specimens with hairy sepals and a prominent hairy line down the stem, and specimens which are apparently completely glabrous (var. glaberrima Azn. ?). |