Caryophyllaceae |
![]() Silene stenobotrys BOISS. ET HAUSSKN. |
Silene L. |
S. stenobotrys Boiss. & Hausskn. in Boiss., Fl. Or. 1: 611 (1867). Syn: S. paniculata Ehrenb. ex Rohrb., Mon. Sil. 195 (1868). Figure 4, p. 187. Map 12, p. 207. Perennial. Stems erect, up to 50 cm, shortly retrorse-puberulent. Sterile shoots elongate, the axis whitish, bearing fascicles of linear-setaceous leaves. Cauline leaves remote, linear, 0-5-1 mm broad. Inflorescence a panicle, the lateral cy-mules congested, pseudoverticellate. Calyx 6-8 mm, densely glandular. Filaments and petal claws pilose. Petals white, the limb bipartite into linear lobes. Antho-phore 1.5-2.5 mm. Capsule ovoid, included in the calyx. Fl. 5-7. Rocky slopes, 800-2000 m. Type: [Turkey C6 Gaziantep/Maraş] in cretaceis Syriae ad Aintab et Marasch, Haussknecht. A7 Gümüşane: Gümüşane, Argyri Da., S int. 1894: 5944. B5 Kayseri: M. Argaeus (Ercias Da.), 1800-2000 m, Bornm. 1890: 1629. B6 Sivas: Gürün to Sivas, 5 km N of Gürün, 1530 m, Hub.-Mor. 12445! B7 Malatya: 11 km W of Malatya, 830 m, Hub.-Mor. 9042! Tunceli: Munzur Da. in Aksu De., 1600 m, D. 31453! C8 Mardin: Mardin, Sint. 1888: 869! Syrian Desert, N.W. Iran. Ir.-Tur. element. Easily identifiable by its pilose filaments and petal claws, and usually also by the elongate sterile shoots with narrow, whitish axes. |