Caryophyllaceae |
![]() Gypsophila graminifolia BARK. |
Gypsophila L. |
G. graminifolia Bark, in Wentia 9: 67, t. 2 f. 49-54 (1962). Glabrous perennial, root about 1 cm thick, bearing a rosette of leaves and 2-3 flowering stems 30-80 cm, dichotomously branched. Leaves linear, flat,grass-like, 20-60 x 1.5-5 mm, glaucous, with 3-7 nerves, papillose at margin, acute, subspiny. Inflorescence lax. Bracts ovate-acuminate, scarious. Pedicels 2-5(-10) mm. Calyx campanulate, 3 mm, teeth broadly ovate to orbicular with large scarious margins, obtuse, mucronate. Petals pale pink, 4-5 mm, oblong, obtuse to emarginate. Fl. 7-8. Serpentine screes, 2700 m. Type: Turkey B9 Van, distr. Başkale,Ispiriz Dağ, 2700 m, serpentine screes, 31 vii 1954, Davis & Polunin, D. 23675 (holo. E! iso. K). Endemic and known only from the type-gathering. Ir.-Tur. element, very near to the Iranian G. caricifolia Boiss. Sect. Corymbosae Bark. Perennials with ± corymbose inflorescences. Pedicels rigid, shorter than, as long as, or 2-3 x longer than calyx. Calyx campanulate to turbinate, mostly with distinct calcium oxalate crystals. |