Caryophyllaceae |
![]() Gypsophila elegans BIEB. |
![]() Gypsophila elegans BIEB |
Gypsophila L. |
G. elegans Bieb., Fl. Taur.-Cauc. 1: 319 (1808). Syn: G. producta Stapf in Denk. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-Nat. Kl. 51: 280 (1886); G. ceballosii Pau & Vicioso in Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 19: 493 (1919); G. elegans var. latipetala Bark. in Wentia 9: 135 (1962)! Ic: Bark., op. cit., t. 14 f. 1-6; Grossh., Fl. Kavk. 3: t. 28 f. 7(1945). Map 9, p. 169. Annual, 5-60 cm, glabrous throughout, branched in the upper part. Leaves linear to linear-lanceolate, 1-3-veined, acute, 10-60 x 1-15 mm. Inflorescence lax, dichasial. Bracts triangular, scarious. Pedicels capillary, 5-35 mm. Calyx 3-4 mm, campanulate, teeth ovate, obtuse. Petals 5-10 mm, white, often with purpleveins, broadly oblong to cuneate, emarginate. Seeds with obtuse tubercles. Fl. 6-7. Slopes, steppe, gravel banks, 650-2600 m. Type: Caucasus, district Terek, Kasbek, Bieberstein. A7 Gümüşane: Gümüşane to Bayburt, 1320 m, Simon1. A8 Erzurum: Erzurum to Tortum, 34 km N of Erzurum, 2030 m, Hub.-Mor. .14909! A9 Erzurum: Horasan to Karaurgan, 2000 m, D. 29496! B7 Erzincan: Sipikor Da.. 1870 m, Hub.-Mor. 12652! B8 Erzincan: Selepur to Tercan, 1400 m, D. 29309 (type of var. latipetala)! Diyarbakir: Diyarbakır to Ergani, 750 m, D. 28814! B9 Ağri: Patnos to Ercis, S of Dedeli, 2000 m, Demiriz 3486! Van: shore of lake Van, 1760 m, D. 22937! B10 Kars: d. Iğdir, Küçük Ağri Da., SE of Sardar Bulak, 2500 m, Demiriz 3398! S. Russia, Caucasia, Iran. Ir.-Tur. element. Often cultivated and sometimes naturalised. |