Caryophyllaceae |
![]() Dianthus floribundus BOISS. |
Dianthus L. |
D. floribundus Boiss. in Tchihat., Asie Min. Bot. 1:221 (1860). Syn: D. noeanus Boiss., Diagn. ser. 2(5): 52 (1856) non Boiss. op. cit. 2(1): 67 (1853). Ic: Grossh., Fl. Kavk. 3: t. 30, f. 9 (1945). Figure 1, p. 105. Perennial, 20-35 cm. Leaves 11-40 x 0.5-1.5 mm, linear, narrowed from the base to an acuminate apex. Stems freely branched, pedicels more than 2 cm. Bracteoles (4-)6, less than ½ calyx length, narrowly ovate, acuminate to apiculate, scarious margin distinct. Calyx 14-18 x 2.5-3.5 mm, cylindrical or widest in the lower half; teeth 3-5 mm acuminate. Petal limb 4-7 mm, white or pinkish white, ebarbulate, finely dentate. Fl. 6-8. Stony slopes and screes, rough pasture, mountain steppe, 1000-2400 m. Type: [Turkey B8 Erzurum] Armenia inter origines fl. Araxis, huc Erichtai dicta, ad pedem septentrionale jugi ville Lacuum (Bingoel Dagh), c. 2000 m, Tchihatcheff 866 (K!). A8 Erzurum: Oltu, 1 viii 1908, Woronow! Çoruh: Artvin area, Vvedensky! B6 Maraş: Çardak, Kandil Da., 2000 m, D. 20244b! B7 Malatya: Arga to Malatya, Post 1906: 79! Elazığ: Elaziğ to Gölçük, 15 km SE of Elaziğ, 930-950 m, Hub.-Mor. 11119. Tunceli: Pertek, 1500 m, D. 31511! B9 Bitlis: Nemrut Da., 2000 m, ?! Van: Van to Şatak, 2000 m, T. Baytop 4899. C6 Gaziantep: Gaziantep, Balls 2401! Maraş: Gaziantep to Maraş, 66 km N of Gaziantep, 640 m, Hub.-Mor. 12369. C8 Mardin: Mardin, Sint. 1888: 1156! Transcaucasia, N.W. & W. Iran. Ir.-Tur. element. Cf. D. tabrisianus in Group C. Group C. Fimbriati. Perennials. Leaf sheaths c. 2 x longer than the stem diameter immediately beneath the node. Flowers long-pedicelled. Calyx not verru-culose. Petal limb pink, white or yellowish, barbulate or ebarbulate, fimbriate to at least ¼. |