Campanulaceae |
![]() Campanula aucheri A. DC. |
![]() Campanula aucheri A. DC. |
![]() Campanula aucheri A. DC. |
![]() Campanula aucheri A. DC |
Campanula L. |
C. aucheri A.DC. in DC, Prodr. 7:460 (1839). Syn: C. pilosa Pallas var. pontica C.Koch in Linnaea 23:638 (1850); C. alpigena C.Koch, loc. cit. (1850); C. tridentata Schreber var. pubiflora Aznav. in Mag. Bot. Lap. 17:17 (1819)! C.froedinii Rech. fil. in Öst. Akad. Wiss. Math.-Nat. Kl. Anz. 87:195 (1950)! Ic: Symb. Bot. Upsal. 11:36, f. 18 (1952), as C.froedinii. Caespitose ± pubescent perennial with branching rhizome. Flowering stems ascending-erect, 5-10(-15) cm, 1-flowered, sparsely leafy. Basal leaves crowded in dense rosettes, oblong to ovate-spathulate, often linear-lanceolate, 10-30 x 2-10 mm, remotely crenate or entire with obtuse, often dentate apex, graduallynarrowed into petiole to 4 cm, pubescent; cauline rather few, sessile, linear-lanceolate. Flowers erect, terminal. Calyx lobes triangular-lanceolate, erect, 5-10 mm, pubescent. Appendages triangular, acuminate, longer than short obconical pubescent ovary. Corolla broadly campanulate, 15-25(-30) x 20-25 mm, divided to ⅓ or to nearly ½|, ± pubescent outside, blue-violet. Style ± included. Stigmas 3, short. Capsule pendulous, opening by 3 basal valves. Seeds ellipsoid, large, 3x1.5 mm, flattened, with small margin, light brown. Fl. 6-8. Screes, grassy, alpine slopes, 1890-4200 m. Type: [Turkey] in montibus Armeniae, Aucher s.n. (holo. G-DC!). N.E. & E. Anatolia. A8 Trabzon: W. of Soğanli Da. pass, 2330-2500 m, Battler 14366! Rize: above Djimil (Cimil), 2700 m, Bal. 725! Çoruh: Tiryal Da. above Murgul, 2150 m, D. 29908! A9 Kars: S.W. side of Kisir Da., 2700 m, D. 30499! B8 Erzurum: Tech Dagh (Palandöken Da.), 2440-2740 m, vii 1853, Huet! B9 Bitlis: Süphan Da., 4115 m, Stileman 36! Van: Artos Da., 3600 m, D. 22844! B10 Van: d. Başkale, Ispiriz Da., 3300 m, D. 23750! Ağri: flanks of Büyük Ağri Da., 3000 m, B. Post 2090 (type of C. tridentata var. pubiflora)! Kars: Büyük Ağri Da., above Serdar Bulak, 2600-2900 m, D. 46945! Caucasia; N. Iran. Euxine (mt.) element? I have not seen material from Iran. Buttler 14366 from A8 Trabzon deviates somewhat in having oblong-spathulate petiolate cauline leaves with crenate-dentate margin, and thus approaches C. argunensis Rupr. from Caucasia. Sect. Saxicolae (Boiss.) Charadze. Perennial. Stems developing from thick rhizome, numerous, prostrate or ascending-erect, sometimes weak. Basal and cauline leaves often similar. Calyx appendages absent. Capsule opening by 3 basal or ± median pores (in some species mode of dehiscence not known). A heterogeneous group that needs further study. |