Campanulaceae |
![]() Asyneuma filipes (NAB.) DAMBOLDT |
![]() Asyneuma filipes (NAB.) DAMBOLDT |
A. filipes (Náb.) Damboldt in Boissiera 17:59, f. 26, 27 t. A f. 1 (1970). Syn: A. lobelioides (Willd.) Hand.-Mazz. var. filipes Náb. in Publ. Fac. .Sci. Univ. Masaryk Brno 70:8, t. 1 f. 2 (1926)! A. lobelioides (Willd.) Hand.-Mazz. var. capitatum Náb., loc. cit., t. 7 f. 6 (1926)! Map 7, p. 67. Perennial with ± creeping rhizome. Stems usually erect, (6-)20-30(-70) cm, mostly glabrous. Leaves crowded in lower part. Cauline leaves very variable in size and form, mostly linear-lanceolate, 2-8 x 0.2-0.6 cm, shortly petiolate or sessile, serrate, rarely entire, scabrid. Flowers usually in long, branched, laxpanicles, rarely crowded in terminal cluster. Pedicels filiform, 2-15 mm. Calyx lobes linear-lanceolate, 2 x 0.6-0.8 mm,erect. Corolla lobes papillose outside, 8-15 x 1.75 mm. Stigmas 3. Capsule semiglobose to ellipsoid, ± constricted at apex, 4-5 x 3-4 mm, opening by 3 pores ± above middle. Seeds large, ellipsoid, flattened, 3 x 1.4 mm, light brown, shiny. Ft. 7-8. Screes, alpine meadows, grassy slopes, 1800-3200 m. Type [Turkey C9 Siirt] d. Ramorân, Halakur Da. (Herakol Da.), Nábĕlek 2103a (holo. BRA! iso. BRA!). E. Anatolia. A8.Erzurum: Ach-Dagh (Ak Da.), d. Olty (Oltu), 2430 m, 29 vii 1906, König ! B7 Erzincan: Sipikör Da., Sint. 1890:3135! Tunceli: Munzur Da. above Ovacik, 1800 m, D. 31160! B9 Ağri: 15 km from Eleşkirt to Horasan, E. of Tahir pass, 2200 m. D. 47128! Van: Kavuşşahap Da., S. of Pişvanik, N. side of Arpit, 2850-2950 m, Mitchell et al. 3588! C9 Siirt: Halakur Da. (Herakol Da.), N. of Cizre, 1900 m, Nábĕlek 2103! Hakkari: Amadia (Amadiya) to Sattek (Çatak), between Hoz and Chomar, c. 2200 m, Nábělek 2105! C10 Hakkari: Sat Da. above Yüksekova, 2700 m. Duncan & Tait 15! N. Iraq. Ir.-Tur. element. Closely allied to A. amplexicaule. Hybridization between the two species in S.E. Anatolia is very probable. In the northern part of the Turkish area plants occur with very small leaves. |