Brassicaceae |
![]() Isatis candolleana BOISS. |
Isatis L. |
I.candolleana Boiss. in Ann. Sci. Nat., 17: 203 (1842). Syn: l. velutina Boiss. & Huet in Boiss., Diagn., ser. 2(5): 45 (1856)!, Boissier, Fl. Or., 1: 378 (1867) p.p.; l. conringiifolia Bornm. in Feddes Rep. Beih., 89(1): 78 (1936)! Figure 15, p. 291.
Biennial (sometimes perennant). Stem 30-50 cm, glabrous, purplish, widely c&rymbose-paniculate. Leaves thinnish. very glaucous, glabrous or with long cilia on margin or midrib beneath; basal leaves obovate to oblong, entire or subdentate; median stem leaves ovate-oblong with broad, rounded, semi-amplexicaul auricles. Flowers 4 mm. Fruits ovate or rhomboid-ovate, 10-14 x6-7(-12) mm, rounded at base, apex acute, densely velutinous or glabrous, wing flat, thin and much broader than the loculus, loculus not rugose, midrib slender or finally swollen. Fl. 4-5(-7). Open, often eroded slopes of limestone, shale and igneous rock, 950-1900 m. Type: [Turkey] Taurus, Aucher 215 (holo. G! iso. P!). Cilician Taurus to N. Armenia. Armenia, Bourgeau. A8 Erzurum: Erzurum to Ispir. 1900 m, Hub.-Mor. 16051 (fruitsexceptionally broad)! B7 Elaziğ: Maden. 1300 m, D. 28884! Harput. above Pekinik, Sint. 1889: 494 (syntype of/, conringii-folia)! Tunceli: Munzur Da., in Aksu De. above Ovacik, 1800 m, D. 31475! B8 (A8?) Erzurum: Erzurum, Zohrab 382! Cß Malatya: below Erhenek, 1000 m, D. 27742! Maraş: Ahır Da., 960 m, Balls 912A! Endemic; Ir.-Tur. element. Although morphologically a well-marked species, readily distinguished by its characteristic stem leaves. Some specimens vary in the direction of l. cappadocica subsp. cappadocica. |