Brassicaceae |
![]() Isatis brachycarpa C.A. MEYER |
![]() Isatis brachycarpa C.A. MEYER |
Isatis L. |
I. brachycarpa C.A. Meyer in Eichw., Casp.-Cauc. 17, t. 19 (1831). Ic: Fl. URSS 8: t. 11 f. 15(1939). Biennial or perennial herb. Stem 45-160 cm, angled, densely leafy (in Turkey). Basal leaves to 13 cm, oblanceolate, glaucous, thin-textured, entire, obscurely veined; lamina c. as long as petiole. Cauline leaves much shorter, oblong, entire, sessile, with obtuse to acute auricles at base. Inflorescence paniculate, twice branched, 20-30 cm, as long as or shorter than main stem, glabrous. Racemes 3-17 cm, 15-40-fiowered. Flowers (not seen in Turkish material) yellow; sepals 2-2.5 mm; petals 4-4.5 mm. Pedicels deflexed in fruit, 7-12 mm. Fruit obovate, 6-8(-10)x 3-4(-6) mm; wing membranous; loculus ± central or slightly below centre, elliptic, 3-veined, minutely puberulent or glabrous. Rocky slopes, on sandy soil (mountain steppe), c. 2800 m. Type: [U.S.S.R., Transcaucasia] in Armenia, ad lacum Goktschai [Lake Sevan], Eichwald (holo. LE). E. Anatolia. B9 Van: 34 km from Başkale to Hoşap, Güzel De. pass, 2800 m, D. 45916! Transcaucasia. Ir.-Tur. element. The seeds of the Turkish gathering appear to be sterile. In material from Soviet Armenia the seeds are 2 mm and apparently fertile, the texture of the loculus wall being spongy. |