Brassicaceae |
![]() Cardamine hirsuta L. |
![]() Cardamine hirsuta L |
Cardamine L. |
C. hirsuta L., Sp. PI. 655 (1753). Ic: Bonnier, Fl. Comp. Fr., Suisse & Belge, 1: t. 43, f. 195 (1911); Ross-Craig, Draw. Brit. PL 3: 21 (1949). Annual herb. Stems erect, often leafless, up to 25 cm. Lowest leaves in a distinct rosette, with 1-5 pairs of lateral leaflets and a larger terminal leaflet. Petals 2.5-3 mm, not exceeding the sepals. Siliquae c. 1 mm broad, erect. Fl. 3-4. Waste places, S.1.-2000 m. Described from Europe (Hb. Linn. 835/13!). Scattered. A1(E) Tekirdağ: Çerkesköy, Davidov. A2(E) Istanbul: Therapia (Tarabya), Azn.! A2(A) Istanbul: Heybeli Ada, 30 m, D. 26240! A3 Ankara: Nallıhan, 700 m. Kühne 698. A4 Çankiri: Ilgaz Da., 1610 m, Hııb.-Mor. 14786! A5 Amasya: Amasya, 400-600 m, Bornm. 407. A6 Tokat: Tokat, Aucher 4120! Bl Izmir: Işiklar, Schwarz 387. B8 Erzurum: Erzurum, Zohrab 321! C2 Muğla: d. Fethiye, Kaya, 50 m, D. 25442! C3 Antalya: E of Antalya, 35 m, lt. Leyd. 1959:344! C6 Gaziantep: Gaziantep, Post Herb. Is.: Lesvos, Cand.; Samos, Rech. 4076! İkaria, Rech. 4417! Cosmopolitan weed. |