Boraginaceae |
![]() Lithospermum officinale L. |
![]() Lithospermum officinale L. |
Lithospermum L. |
L. officinale L., Sp. PI. 132 (1753). Ic: Reichb., Ic. Fl. Germ. 18: t. 1313 (1857); Ross-Craig, Draw. Brit. PI. 21: t. 20 (1965). Figures 7, p. 241; 10, p. 247. Stems 1-many, (18-)30-90 cm, erect, much-branched, adpressed-pubescent. Leaves all cauline, (1 .5-)3-8 x (0-6-) 1 -1 .6 cm, lanceolate to narrowly elliptic, acute, subsessile, dark green and strigulose above, greyish-pubescent beneath. Inflorescence much-branched. Flowers subsessile at first, fruiting pedicels to 3 mm. Calyx lobes 3.5-5 mm, oblong-linear, obtuse. Corolla 4-5 mm, white, pale yellow or pale greenish; tube ± equalling calyx. Nutlets 2.5-3.5 x 1 .7-2 mm, ± ovoid, obscurely keeled ventrally, ivory, glossy. Fl. 5-7. Clearings, field margins, shady banks, 200-2400 m. Described from Europe (Hb. Linn. 181/1, photo!). N. Turkey, S.W. & Inner Anatolia, scattered. A2(E) Istanbul: Çilingöz, Hermann. A2(A) Istanbul: Polonezkoy, 27 vi 1890, B.Post! A3 Bolu: 25 km from Bolu to Adapazari, 500 m, McNeil 44! A4 Kastamonu: 10 km from Daday to Azdavay, 1200 m, D. 38647! A6 Tokat: Kelkit valley 10 km W. of Reşadiye, 10 vii 1955, Çetik! A7Trabzon: Kalenima De., nrCinik, 200-300 m, Hand.-Mazz. 995. A8 Rize: Rize, Kasapligil s.n. B5 Kayseri: Bünyan, N.E. of Kayseri, 1300 m, Stn. & fiend. 5155! B7 Erzincan: Çağlayan, 1700 m, Karamanoğlu 66-41. B9 Van: 26 km from Başkale to Hoşap, 2400 m, D. 45895! C2 Denizli: 4-5 km N.E. of Honaz, 500 m, Tuzlaci. Europe, except N.; S.W. & C. Asia eastwards to Siberia and China. Euro-Sib. element. |