Boraginaceae |
![]() Cerinthe minor L. subsp. auriculata (TEN.) DOMAC |
![]() Cerinthe minor L. subsp. auriculata (TEN.) DOMAC |
![]() Cerinthe minor L. subsp. auriculata (TEN.) DOMAC |
![]() Cerinthe minor L. subsp. auriculata (TEN.) DOMAC |
Cerinthe L. |
C. minor L., Sp. PL 137 (1753). Syn: C. maculata AII, Fl. Pedem. 1:178 (1785). Biennial or perennial. Stems erect, 25-75 cm, simple or branched above. Basal leaves spathulate to oblanceolate, obtuse, blade attenuate into petiole; cauline linear-oblong, lanceolate-elliptic or obovate, to 8x2.8 cm, obtuse, sessile, ± amplexicaul. Bracts usually greenish. Calyx divided ± to base, lobes lanceolate, acute, margins ciliate. Corolla yellow, maroon, purple or violet-suffused, 10-11 x 3.5-4.5 mm, divided to c. 1/2, tube straight, lobes lanceolate, acute. Nutlets c. 3.5 x 3 mm, ovoid-globose. 1. Pedicels glabrous; corolla cylindrical; nutlets chestnut-brown subsp. minor 1. Pedicels scabrous to hispidulous; corolla broader in upper 1/2 of tube; nutlets dark brown to blackish subsp. auriculata subsp. auriculata (Ten.) Domac in Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 65:260 (1972). Syn: C. auri-culata Ten. in Ind. Sem. Horti Bot. Neap. 10 (1830); C. cleiostoma Boiss. & Spruner in Boiss., Diagn. ser. 1 (4):44 (1844); C. minor L. var. ciliaris DC, Prodr. 10:3 (1846); C. cilicica Kotschy ex Boiss., Pl. Or. Nov. Dec. 2:7 (1875); C. hirsuta Wettst. in Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-Nat. KI. 50(2): 85 (1885)! C. minor L. var. hispida Turrill in Kew Bull. 1924:355 (1924). Ic: Gavioli in Arch. Bot. Forli 8, t. 2 (1932). Figures 8, p. 243; 10, p. 247. Fl. 5-8. Slopes, screes, gravel banks, fields, field-margins, roadsides,150-2400 m. Described from Lucania and Calabria (S. Italy). Throughout Turkey but local in E. Anatolia. A1(E) Kirklareli: 29 km N. of Lüleburgaz, 150 m, Awishai 460! A2(E) Istanbul: Karamandere, A. Bay top & Attila (ISTE 11602)! A2(A) Bursa: 20 km from Keles to Bursa, 1000 m, Dudley (D. 34790)! A3 Bolu: 20 km N.E. of Bolu, 800 m, Kühne 2593! A4 Bolu: c. 300 km E. of Istanbul on Ankara road, Findlay 24! A5 Çorum: 5 km from Çorum to Merzifon, 800 m, Coode, Jones & Tobey 1838! A6 Samsun: Buraboy, 900 m, Tobey 1838! A8 Erzurum: lspir, 1300 m, Barclay 746! A9 Kars: Gölebert nr Ardahan, 1800 m, D. 30412! Bl Izmir: Izmir to Manisa, Bal. 1854:366! B2 Kütahya: Tavşanli to Emet, 800 m, D, 36576! B3 Afyon: 27 km S. of Emirdağ towards Bolvadin, 1100 m, Coode & Jones 2342! B4 Ankara: Dikmen Da., D. 13211! B5 Nevşehir: Göreme, Kayacik & Eliçin (ISTO 2214)! B6 Sivas: Kangal, T. Bay top (lSTE 12782)! B7 Elaziğ: Elaziğ, vii 1944, Başarman [M. Heilbronn]! B8 Erzincan: Tercan to Aşkale, above Tercan, 1650 m, D. 29358! B9 Bitlis: Tatvan, 1750 m, D. 22193! B10 Kars: Pamuk Da, 20 km from lğdir to Doğu-bayazit, 1600 m, D. 43861! C2 Muğla/Antalya: Ak Da., 16 vii 1882, Lııschan (type of C. hirsuta Wettst.)! C3 lsparta: Dedegöl Da., Kuru Tepe, 1200 m, Sorger 66-44-15! C4 lçel: Çukurova, Uzuncaburç, c. 30 km above Silifke, Deaver 1209! C5 lçel: Gülek Kale, 1400 m, Siehe 1896:422! C6 Maraş: c. 10 km N. of Andirin, 900-1000 m, Sorger 73-12-3! C9 Siirt: Halakur Dar (Herakol Da.) N. of Cizre, 2300 m, Nâbèlek 623. C10 Hakkari: 21 km from Bacirge to Yüksekova, 2230 m, D. 45242! C. & S. Europe, Balkans, Caucasia, Latakia, N. Iraq, N, N.W. & W. Iran. A specimen from C4 Antalya: Han Boğazi forest S. of Geyik Da, 1580 m, D. 14695! is unusual in being biennial, with heart-shaped bracts, twin-beaked nutlets and very large basal leaves in a non-flowering rosette. It is referable to subsp. minor by its glabrous pedicels and blackish nutlets, but the characters listed above and its distribution relative to that of subsp. minor make this identification doubtful. Further material, including young flowering specimens, is required. |