Berberidaceae |
![]() Leontice leontopetalum L. subsp. ewersmannii (BUNGE) COODE |
Leontice L. |
L. leontopetalum L., Sp. Pl. 312 (1753). Stems erect, 10-80 cm tall. Leaves fleshy, often glaucous, biternatisect, with irregular numbers of frequently lobed leaflets. Inflorescence terminal, many-flowered, the axis often with 1-3 lateral branches. Sepals caducous. Petals yellow. Nectary scales small, 1-1.5 mm, stipitate or cuneate at base and varying in shape from obovate, deltoid, or sub-orbicular to laterally bilobed or inrolled, fleshy. Fruit with reticulate venation, eroding irregularly at the tip. 1. Leaf segments obovate to suborbicular; fruiting pedicels usually spreading and ripe capsules over 2 cm subsp. leontopetalum 1. Leaf segments elliptical to lanceolate; fruiting pedicels angled upwards and ripe capsules less than 2 cm subsp. ewersmannii subsp. ewersmannii (Bunge) Coode in Notes R.B.G. Edinb. 26: 42 (1964). Syn: L. ewersmannii Bunge in Arb. Naturf. Vereins zu Riga I, 47: 131 (1847); ? L. leontopetalum L. var. oblongifolium Post, Fl. Syr. 1: 29 (1932). Ic: Fl. URSS 7: t. 37, f. 4 (1937). Type: (U.S.S.R., Uzbekistan) Im sande und Lehmsande des Jaman-Kisil-Kum (Kyzyl-Kum) und des Batkak-Kum, 21-23 iv 1842, Ewersmann. Mesopotamia. C6 Gaziantep: Gaziantep, 1200 m, Balls 714a! Syrian Desert, W. Iran. W. Pakistan, Trans-Caspia. Fl. URSS, 7: 546 (1937) states that this subspecies occurs in Turkish Armenia and Kurdistan, and gives the extra-Turkish distribution as Central Asia, Iran and N. Syria. Balls' specimen from Gaziantep, like one from Aleppo, fits the description of the leaf segments, but no fruit is available. The form of the nectary scale is very variable and cannot be used to separate this subspecies from the others. |