Asteraceae |
![]() Tragopogon pratensis L. |
![]() Tragopogon pratensis L |
Tragopogon L. |
T. pratensis L., Sp. Pl. 789 (1753). Ic: Reichb., Ic. Fl. Germ. 19: t. 1390 (1858) as T. orientalis; Fiori, Ic. Fl. Ital. f. 3854 (1904). Figure 25, p. 661. Glabrescent annual to perennial, 15-90 cm. Stems usually unbranched. Leaves linear, broadening below especially in upper leaves. Peduncles not thickened below capitula. Phyllaries 7-12, lanceolate with a pale margin, shorter than or equal to flowers, 2-3.5 cm in flowering capitulum, 2.5-4 cm in fruiting capitulum. Flowers pale or golden yellow. Achenes 18-30 mm, almost smooth or with short scales, beak shorter than or equal to achene. Pappus 15-25 mm, greyish-brown, annulus hairy. Fl. 5-7. Woodland, sandy places. Described from Europe. Two subspecies occur in Turkey, subsp. pratensis and subsp. orientalis (L.) Vollmann, distinguished on flower colour, length of achene beak and sculpturing of achene. Because of inadequate material with a lack of colour notes, the cited specimens cannot always be assigned to a subspecies. 1. Flowers pale yellow; achenes smooth or with small scales, beak ± equal to achene subsp. pratensis 1. Flowers golden yellow; achenes obviously scaly, beak shorter than achene subsp. orientalis Scattered, absent from S. Anatolia. N.E. Anatolia, pontico-armene, 1910, Parquet (subsp. orientalis)! A1(E) Tekirdağ: Tekirdağ, Stojanov. A2(E) Istanbul: Nakache tchiftlik, 24 v 1903, Azn. (subsp.pratensis)! Scoumroukeuy (Uskundruköy), 22 vii 1900, Azn. (subsp. orientalis)! A2(A) Istanbul: nr Riva (Iriva), 12 vi 1893, Azn.! A5 Sinop: Gerze to Sinop, 250 m, Tobey 1050 (subsp. pratensis)! B1 Balıkesir: Mt. Ida (Kaz Da.), Sint. 1883:799! B4 Ankara: Incesu, Kotte 1194. B9 Van: between Van and Ischti, Noë! Europe, rarer in N., Caucasia, C. Asia; naturalized in N. America. Euro-Sib. element. |