Asteraceae |
![]() Taraxacum scaturiginosum G. HAGL. |
![]() Taraxacum scaturiginosum G. HAGL |
Taraxacum WIGGERS
T. scaturiginosum G.Hagl. in Ark. Bot. 26A(5):26 (1933). Syn: T. murbeck-ianum G.Hagl. in Bot. Not. 1939:538, f. 3 (1939)! T. albanicum van Soest in Acta Bot. Neerl. 14:13, f. 1 (1965). Plant ± glabrous, scape only arachnoid below capitulum. Leaves lobate, often with long terminal lobe; petioles red, often median nerve as well. Outer phyllaries ± ovate, loosely adpressed, with a rather broad, whitish or pale green margin; involucre dark green, c. 14 mm long. Ligules yellow, with dark violet stripes on outside; stigmas dark grey to blackish; pollen present. Achenes spinulose near apex, 4.5-5.5 mm (incl. 1-1.7 mm cone), straw-coloured; beak c. 7.5 mm; pappus pure white, c. 6 mm. Fl. 3-6. Damp places, up to 2500 m. Type: [Greece] Phocis: Arachova, in scaturiginosis ca. 1000 m, Samuelsson 266(holo. SI). N.W. Turkey & Inner Anatolia. A1(A) Çanakkale: Renkoei (Erenköy), Sint. 1883:260! A2(E) Istanbul: Büyükdere to Bahçeköy, 7 v 1907, Azn.!Kocaeli:Izmit, D. 26253 p.p.! A5 Amasya: Amasya, Manias. 80a! A7 Gümüşane/ Trabzon: Zigana Da., Sint. 1894:5594! B6 Maras: Topalli between Elbistan and Malatya, 1700 m, D. 27686 p.p.! B9 Van: above Darnis Aşaği, N. of Çatak, 2500 m, Frödin 393 (type of T. murbeckianum)! C9 Siirt: Pervari, 1300 m, Frödin! Switzerland, Italy, Poland, Balkans. The three taxa mentioned above differ in minor details and are considered as a single species; though it must be noticed that, according to the original description of T. murbeckianum, this species seems to have a longer achene cone than the other two; 1.5-1.7 mm, instead of 1-1.2 mm. Sect. Vulgaria Hand.-Mazz. emend. Dahlst. Series b Vulgaria H.M. Mono.: 73 (1907), pro minima parte. Dahlst. in Lindman, Svensk Fanerogamflora 560 (1918). Dahlst. in Acta Flor. Suec. 1:37 (1921). Achenes straw-coloured, spinulose above, with a conical cone, beak present; pappus white. Outer phyllaries reflexed, recurved or spreading, rarely erect, usually without a gibbosity below apex (occasionally with a double gibbosity). Plants usually moderately arachnoid, flowering in spring, somewhat later in mountainous regions. |