Asteraceae |
![]() Taraxacum bithynicum DC. |
![]() Taraxacum bithynicum DC |
Taraxacum WIGGERS |
T. bithynicum DC, Prodr. 7:149 (1838). Ic: Hand.-Mazz., Monogr. Tarax. t. 4 f. 7 (1907). Plant small, 3-10 cm; base thick with persistent old petioles. Leaves thin, mostly (shortly) lobate, lobes triangular, spreading. Scapes slender. Capitula small, outer phyllaries few, small, adpressed, subovate, marginate. Ligules few, ± reddish on outside, short; stigmas pure yellow. Beak thick, c. 2.5-4 mm; pappus pure white, short. Fl. 6-9. Mountains, near snow and mountain lakes, 1900-3200 m. Type: [Turkey A2(A) Bursa] in summo Olympo Bithyniae (Ulu Da.), Aucher 3940 (holo. G! iso. BM! K! P!) - not 3540 as cited in DC. N. & S. Anatolia. A2(A) Bursa: Ulu Da., 2200 m, Sorger 68-54-18! ibid., 1968, Quézel et al.! A7 Gümüşane: Karagöl Da., Sint. 1894:7553! C3 Antalya: Bozburun Da. above Tozlu Çukur Y., 1900-2100 m, D. 15607! C4 Antalya: Ak Da., S. of Geyik, 2300 m, D. 14348! Pozzines, Ak Da., 1968, Quézel et al.! C5 Mt. Tauro, Kotschy 318 p.p.! 322 p.p.! Anti-Lebanon, Crete. A specimen from B5 Kayseri (Erciyas Da., 2134 m, Balls 1406 p.p.!) with blackish stigmas and a narrow beak, may belong to this species. Handel-Mazzetti records T. bithynicum from Spain but these plants belong to T. nevadense Lindb. fil. in Sect. Pachera van Soest. He also mentions Transcaucasia but I have seen no material from there. Ledebour (Fl. Ross. 2:817, 1846) records the species from Altai and Alatau but Schischkin put these plants into T. brevirostre Hand.-Mazz., belonging to Sect. Oligantha van Soest. Plants without achenes can be confused with T. primigenium Hand.-Mazz. and T. assemanii Blanche ex Boiss. Confusion may also occur with T. glaciale Huet which lacks a beak and has blackish stigmas. T. glaciale occurs in Greece and Italy and belongs to Sect. Glacialia Hand.-Mazz.; it seems to be closely related to T. bithynicum and it is possible that the latter does not really belong to Sect. Scariosa sensu stricto, as was suggested by Dahlstedt in Acta Horti Berg. 9:3, 1926. |