Asteraceae |
![]() Tanacetum parthenium (L.) SCHULTZ BIP. |
![]() Tanacetum parthenium (L.) SCHULTZ BIP |
Tanacetum L. (EMEND. BRIQ.) |
T. parthenium (L.) Schultz Bip., Tanacet. 55 (1844). Syn: Matricaria parthenium L., Sp. Pl. 890 (1753); Pyrethrum parthenium (L.) Sm., Fl. Brit. 2:900 (1800); Chrysanthemum parthenium (L.) Bernh., Syst. Verz. Pfl. 145 (1800). Ic: Hegi, I11. Fl. Mittel-Eur. 6(2): 617 (1928). Figure 12, p. 263.
Plants 20-60 cm. Leaves 3-12(-15) cm, 1-2-pinnatisect, ovate in outline, on 2.5-8(-10) cm petioles, sparsely to moderately pubescent and glandular pitted on both surfaces; primary segments 3-5-paired, lower 1-3.5 x 0.5-2 cm, usually 3-4-lobed with dentate or pinnatifid margins, upper shorter, narrower and less divided. Capitula few to numerous (up to c. 30) in corymbs. Involucre 5-7 mm broad; phyllaries 2.5-5 x0.7-1 mm, lanceolate, sparsely pubescent, carinate, pale-margined, narrowly scarious at apex. Ray flowers generally 12-20, ligules white, 5-7(-12) x 2-4 mm. Disc flowers c. 1.75 mm. Achenes greyish, c. 1-1.5 mm, with 5-6 whitish ribs; corona irregularly margined, rarely evenly lobed, 0.1-0.3 mm. Fl. 5-9. Walls, waste places, banks of streams, sometimes in forest shade and on rock ledges, s.1.-2438 m. Described from Europe (Hb. Cliff. 416/3!). Mainly Turkey-in-Europe and Outer Anatolia. A1(E) Kirklareli: on way to Demirköy, 800 m, A.Baytop (ISTE 13856)! A2(E) Istanbul: Galata, 1888, Azn.! A3 Bolu: Karadere to Yedigol, 650 m, D. 37699! A4 Kastamonu: Giaurdagh (Gavur Da.), Sint. 1892:4817! A5 Amasya: Çekerek valley between Göklek Bridge and Orasaray, 19 vi 1955, Çetik! A6 Samsun: 3 km E. of Samsun, 5 m, Tobey 301! A7 Giresun: below Tamdere, 1600 m, D. 20687! A8 Trabzon: N. slope of Soğanli Da. above Çaykara, 1500-1650 m, D. 32089! A9 Çoruh: d. Çoruh, 2438 m, Tong 419! B2 Izmir: d. Ödemiş, Boz Da., 1 vii 64, Regel! B7 Tunceli: Hozat to Ovacik, 2000 m, D. 31098! C4 Konya: 44 km from Bey-şehir to Konya, 1280 m, Hub.-Mor. 10062! C5 Içel: Güllek Kale, 1400 m, Siehe 421! C6 Adana: d. Bahçe, Düldül Da., D. 16389! C9 Hakkari: d. Çolemerik, Hasitha (Aşutka), Nábělek 3641! Widespread in northern and southern hemisphere of Old and New World. Formerly medicinal, still used in folk remedies. |