Asteraceae |
![]() Serratula radiata (WALDST. ET KIT.) BIEB. subsp. biebersteiniana ILJIN EX GROSSH. |
![]() Serratula radiata (WALDST. ET KIT.) BIEB. subsp. biebersteiniana ILJIN EX GROSSH. |
Serratula L. |
S. radiata (Waldst. & Kit.) Bieb., Fl. Taur.-Cauc. 3:545 (1819). subsp. biebersteiniana Iljin ex Grossh., Fl. Kavk. 4:194 (1934). Syn: S. bieber-steiniana (Iljin ex Grossh.) Takht. in Takhtajan & Fedorov, Atlas Fl. Erevana 323 (1945). Ic: Fl. URSS 28: t. 14 f. 4 (1963) as S. biebersteiniana. Map 52, p. 457. Scabrous perennial with sparsely branching leafy stems, 25-100 cm. Leaves ovate in outline, basal and lower cauline shortly petiolate, median and upper sessile, lyrate-pinnatipartite to pinnatisect, 10-18 x 3-5(-8) cm, segments 6-8(-10)-paired, oblong-lanceolate, sometimes obsoletely pinnatilobed. Capitula solitary on leafy peduncles. Involucre broadly ovoid, 15-20 x 15-20(-25) mm; phyllaries c. 8-seriate, outer with ovate greenish base and blackish tip, tapering into straw-coloured patent acuminate cusp 1.5-3 mm long, inner similar at base but lanceolate-mucronate, with straw-coloured scarious apical appendage. Flowers purple, exceeding involucre. Achenes c. 5 mm. Pappus hairs smooth, c. 6 mm. Fl. 7-8. Mountain steppe and Spiraea scrub, 1650-2500 m. Described from Daghestan. E. Anatolia. A9 Kars: E. of Kağizman, 8 km from Akçay to Cumaçay, 1650 m, D. 46751! B9 Ağri: pass between Karaköse and Horasan, 2000-2500 m, Rech. 32821! Van: 8 km S.E. of Çuhgediği between Hoşap and Başkale, 2340-2370 m, Hub.-Mor. 11242! B10 Ağri: d. Doğubayazit, Hama Da., 2200 m, T.Bay top (ISTE 4851)! Caucasia, N.W. Iran. Ir.-Tur. element? Subsp. radiata is distinguished from subsp. biebersteiniana chiefly by having more finely dissected leaves with c. 11-15 pairs of segments and outer phyllaries usually mucronate rather than acuminate-cuspidate; it occurs in E. Central Europe and Caucasia (fide Fl. URSS 28:275, 1963). |