Asteraceae |
![]() Scorzonera semicana DC. |
![]() Scorzonera semicana DC |
Scorzonera L. |
S. semicana DC., Prodr. 7:119 (1838). Syn: S. colorata Krasch. in Trudy Bot. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR ser. 1, 1 : 179 (1933); S. turkeviczi Krasch. & Lipschitz in Lipschitz, Fragm. Monogr. Gen. Scorz. 1:83 (1935). Ic: Lipschitz, op. cit. 1: t. 28 (1935) as S. colorata. Erect, subscapigerous or shortly caulescent perennial; flowering stems 15-45 cm, ultimate branches (bearing single capitula) at least 1/2 total height; root-stock thick, cylindrical, sometimes branched. Lower leaves entire, 12-40 x 0.8-2 cm, linear to linear-lanceolate, margin plane to occasionally ± undulate, base amplexicaul, sparsely lanate when young, becoming glabrous. Capitula 1-4 per stem, 30-50 mm long. Inner phyllaries elongating in fruit, 15-50 mm. Flowers yellow, drying light purple. Achenes 17-30 mm, narrowly cylindrical, swollen at base, sulcate, smooth to transversely lamellate-muricate, glabrous. Fl. 4-6. Banks, meadows, 900-1700 m. Type: [Turkey C8 Mardin] in montibus Asiae minoribus prope Mardin, Aucher 3335 (holo. G-DC, photo!). E. Anatolia. A9 Kars: Kağizman, 30 iv 1914, Turkewicz 65 (type of S. turke-viczi). Kağizman, Zarabehan Çay, Woronow 12688 (syntype of S. colorata); nr Kjul-ogly, Woronow 12687 (syntype of S. colorata). B6 Sivas: Kangal, T.Baytop (ISTE 12790)! B7 Elaziğ: Siverek, Karabagh, Sint. 1888:862! B9 Ağri: 2 km S. of Tutak, 1650 m, D. 43493! C7 Urfa: Urfa, Tschermelik, Sint. 1888:795! C8 Mardin: 5 km E. of Mardin, 1100 m, D. 28603! Endemic ? Ir.-Tur. element. A species varying considerably in length of stem and width and shape of leaves. Lipschitz (op. cit.) recognizes both S. colorata and S. turkeviczi as separate species (both were described from near Kağizman). The type of S. semicana appears to have the wider leaves of S. turkeviczi but the longer stem of S. colorata and S. semicana sensu Lipschitz and therefore seems to link all three species. Forms with wider leaves and narrower leaves, and longer or shorter bracts occur throughout the range of the species. Close to and possibly only a broad-leaved form of S. mollis. |