Asteraceae |
![]() Onopordum candidum NAB |
![]() Onopordum candidum NAB |
![]() Onopordum candidum NAB |
Onopordum L. |
O. candidum Náb. in Publ. Fac. Sci. Univ. Masaryk Brno 52(2): 35, t. 6 f. 1, 2 (1925). Map 38, p. 359. Biennial, 50-100 cm, adpressed tomentose, white. Stem slightly branched above, leafy up to 10-15 cm beneath capitula, sometimes with small scale-like non-decurrent leaves beneath capitula; wings 4-6, 1-4 mm wide, spinose and weakly sinuate; spines 2-8 mm, with hard swollen nerve at the obscure lobe. Basal leaves oblong-lanceolate, pinnatilobed with triangular lobes, spines at tips of lobes 3-8 mm, at lobe margins 2-6 mm, all with prominent nerve; upper cauline leaves becoming entire, uppermost small, on peduncles gradually grading into phyl-laries. Capitula solitary on 15-35 cm peduncles, wings of peduncles often narrowed beneath capitulum. Involucre 3.5-4 x3-4 cm, with conical base; phyllaries densely arachnoid, often purplish, 8-30 x 2-5 mm, gradually attenuate into 3-5 mm spines, all erect, inner shorter than flowers. Flowers 30-35 mm; four corolla lobes subequal, 2-3 mm shorter than fifth. Pappus hairs barbellate-subpiumose, lateral projections 1-2 x as long as rachis width. Fl. 6-8. Rocky slopes, disturbed steppe, fallow fields, roadsides, 1100-2200 m.. Type: [Turkey B9 Van] in agris incultis et in lapidosis aridis ad Topra Kaleh supra oppidum Wan, 1850 m, Nábělek 3554. E. Anatolia. B7 Sivas: 14 km N. of Divriği, 1150 m, Sorger 70-30-1! Erzincan: 37 km E. of Erzincan, 1260 m, Hub.-Mor. 12863! Elaziğ: 32 km from Elaziğ to Malatya, D. 24802! B9 Van: Hoşap to W. foot of Keper Da., 2200 m, D. 24527! B10 Ağri: Bazargan to Doğubayazit, Rech. 37657! 15 km W. of Bazargan, 1500m, Kukkonen 7996! S. Transcaucasia. Ir.-Tur. element. It seems that O. candidum was confused by several authors with the Persian O. leptolepis DC, which has larger capitula and phyllaries, and pappus hairs with lateral projections 4-6 x as long as rachis width. It was also confused with the Caucasian O. heteracanthum C.A.Meyer which is not as white in colour, has inner phyllaries subequal to the flowers, and median phyllaries sometimes patent to reflexed. |