Asteraceae |
![]() Inula thapsoides (BIEB. EX WILLD.) SPRENGEL subsp. australis GRIERSON |
![]() Inula thapsoides (BIEB. EX WILLD.) SPRENGEL subsp. australis GRIERSON |
Inula L. |
I. thapsoides (Bieb. ex Willd.) Sprengel, Pug. PI. Minus Cogn. 58 (1813). Ic: Reichb., PI. Crit. 3:347 (1826). Rhizomatous perennial herb. Stems ± erect, 45-150 cm, leafy, sometimes winged, spreading brownish-pilose. Leaves oblanceolate, 14-18 x 1∙5-4 cm, apex acute, base attenuate and sometimes decurrent, margins denticulate, softly pilose on both surfaces, venation sometimes prominent beneath. Capitula obconical, disciform, borne in dense clusters of 6-10 on short peduncles from axils of upper leaves, ± corymbose. Involucre c. 0∙75 cm broad; phyllaries imbricate, 4-5-seriate; outer lanceolate, 3-4x1∙5 mm at base, adpressed-pilose above; inner linear-lanceolate, membranous, 8-10x0∙5 mm, ciliate. Female flowers few, tubular and subligulate, 4-5 mm, shorter than involucre. Disc flowers 5-6 mm. Achenes 2∙5-2∙75 mm, ± glabrous. Pappus brownish, 5-7 mm; hairs c. 25, scabrous, connate at base. Fl. 7-8. On limestone slopes and in thin woodland, 1600-2200 m. 1. Stems noticeably winged; leaves strongly decurrent, densely pilose, veins scarcely prominent beneath subsp. thapsoides 1. Stems not or scarcely winged; leaves only shortly decurrent, ± sparsely pilose, veins prominent beneath subsp. australis subsp. australis Grierson in Notes R.B.G. Edinb. 33:425 (1975). Type: Turkey B9 Van: Gevaş, 1800 m, [13 vii 1954] Davis & O.Polunin, D. 22670 (holo. E!). S.E. Anatolia. B8 Bitlis: Kambos Da., 1800 m, McNeill 636! B9 Bitlis: S. shore of Van G. between Avata and Garzit, 1640 m, Hub.-Mor. 11308! Kotum, Karz Da., 2200 m, D. 24573! C10 Hakkari: Zab gorge nr Kalolans, D. 23867! Distribution of species: Crimea, Caucasus, Iran. |