Asteraceae |
![]() Helichrysum pallasii (SPRENGEL) LEDEB. |
![]() Helichrysum pallasii (SPRENGEL) LEDEB |
![]() Helichrysum pallasii (SPRENGEL) LEDEB |
![]() Helichrysum pallasii (SPRENGEL) LEDEB |
Helichrysum GAERTNER |
H. pallasii (Sprengel) Ledeb., Fl. Ross. 2:606 (1845). Syn: Gnaphalium pallasii Sprengel, Syst. 3 :470 (1826); H. callichrysum DC, Prodr. 6:183 (1837)! H. psychrophilum Boiss., Diagn. ser. 1(11): 28 (1849)! H. chionophilum Boiss. & Bal. var. albida Heimerl apud Stapf in Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-Nat. Kl. 50:39 (1885)! Ic: Beg. & Diratz, Contrib. Fl. Armen. t. 10 f. 1 & 2(1912); F1. URSS 25: t. 26 f. 1, 2 & 3 (1959). Figure 4, p. 85. Map 7, p. 89. Plant grey-tomentose or lanate, eglandular, often cushion-forming. Flowering stems procumbent to erect, 3-34 cm tall, arising from a woody much-branched caudex. Leaves linear-oblanceolate to linear-obovate, 15-35 x 2-5 mm. Capitula globose to hemispherical, 9-12 mm, borne l-6(-10) in loose corymbs. Phyllaries obtuse, loosely imbricate, golden yellow or more rarely straw-coloured or tinged orange. All flowers hermaphrodite. Fl. 6-8. Rocky slopes, steppe, 1700-3660 m. Described from Siberia (but Boissier, Fl. Or. 3:230, 1875, says this is erroneous!). E. & S. Anatolia. A7 Gümüşane: Stavri (Istavros), 2285 m, Balls 501a! A8 Gümüşane: nr Bayburt, Bourgeau 154! B6 Maraş: d. Çardak, Berit Da., 2700-2900 m, D. 20297! B7 Malatya: Kainardagh between Egin and Arapkir, Sint. 1889:881! B8 Bingöl: 54 km W.S.W. of Erzurum, towards Tercan, Rech. 15087! B9 Ağri: Tahir, between Erzurum and Ağri, 2280 m, Buttler 14402! C2 Muğla/Antalya: Ak Da., 17 vii 1882, Luschan (type of H. chionophilum var. albidd)\ C4 Konya: between Geyik Da. and Bozkir, D. 14610! C5 Niğde: Bulgarmaden, 1800 m, Siehe 1912:435! C9 Hakkari: Kara Da., 3200 m, D. 24470! C10 Hakkari: Sat Da., N.W. of Sat G., 2850 m, D. 45502! Lebanon, Iran, Soviet Armenia. Ir.-Tur. element. Variable in habit. In their vegetative characters, specimens from S.W. Anatolia (C2 Muğla, Burdur and Antalya) approach members of H.plicatum subsp.plicatum from the same region; they also frequently have pale yellow or straw-coloured capitula. The Caucasian H. polylepis Bordz. ex Grossh. (Fl. Kavk. 4:102, 1934) is recorded by Kirpich-nikov (in F1 URSS 25:428, 1959) from Turkish Armenia and Kurdistan. No material of this species has been seen, but it appears to be very closely related to H. pallasii. |