Asteraceae |
![]() Galatella punctata (WALDST. ET KIT.) NEES |
![]() Galatella punctata (WALDST. ET KIT.) NEES |
Galatella CASS. |
G. punctata (Waldst. & Kit.) Nees, Gen. et Sp. Aster 187 (1833). Syn: Aster punctatus Waldst. & Kit., PL Rar. Hung. 2:113, t. 109 (1805); Galatella armena Boiss., Fl. Or. 3:161 (1875)! 1C sosnowskyana Kemul.-Nath. in Monit. Jard. Bot. Tiflis 3-4:137 (1927). Ic: Jâv. & Csap., Ic. Fl. Hung. f. 3641 (1933). Stems 25-50 cm, pubescent and subsessile-glandular. Leaves elliptic-lanceolate, 15-50x2-10 mm, semi-amplexicaul at base, acute at apex, entire, 3-nerved, papillose (papillae tapering when young into fine lanate hairs), sometimes glandular-punctate. Capitula generally more than 6 per corymb, peduncles bearing small scale-like leaves. Involucre 5-6 mm broad; phyllaries 3-4-seriate, oblong-lanceolate, 3-nerved, 2.5-4x0.75-1 mm, margins membranous. Ray flowers 6-12, ligules lilac or bluish-mauve, 10-15 x 1.5-2 mm. Disc flowers 10-24, 4.5-6 mm. Achenes 2.5-4 mm, sericeous and glandular. Pappus brownish-white, 5-6 mm. Fl. 7-8. On moist soil of stream sides, meadows, hillsides and mountain steppes, 1800-2500 m. Type: [Hungary] crescit in subsallis comitatus Csongradiensis, Kitaibel. E. Anatolia. B8 Erzurum: Aşkale to Tercan, 1800 m, D. 32667! Muş: nr Liz, 1840 m, Buttler 16005! B9 Van: 10 km N.W. of Başkale, 2500 m, D. 24522! Kars: Eleşkirt to Tutak, Tong 376! Ağri: E. side of Tahir Da. pass 19 km from Eleşkirt to Horasan, 2400 m, D. 47161! C10 Hakkari: Zab gorge 48 km S. of Başkale, D. 23825! C. Europe to C. Asia. Euro-Sib. element? The species limits of the G. punctata complex are by no means clear. G. dracunculoides (Lam.) DC, which Boissier reduced to synonymy under G. punctata, is kept distinct in Fl. URSS and refers to plants with obtuse leaves and capitula with 6-16 flowers of which 3-6 are ray flowers. Most of the above cited specimens have distinctly punctate leaves, but in D. 47353 (B8 Erzurum: Palandöken Da., 20-23 km from Çat to Erzurum, 2300-2380 m) this character appears to be poorly developed or lacking. The fine lanate terminal hairs of the papillae are abundantly present on Tong 376 and D. 47161, but are almost completely absent in D. 23825 and 24522. Boissier (loc. cit.) claimed that G. armena differed in having obtuse non-punctate and almost 1-nerved leaves but the syntype (B8 Erzurum: Bingoldagh, Kotschy 398) has distinctly 3-nerved acute leaves and, in view of the above variability, G. armena can only be regarded as a synonym of G. punctata. I have not seen the type of G. sosnowskyana but, from the description, it seems likely that it should be included here. |