Asteraceae |
![]() Crepis armena DC. |
![]() Crepis armena DC. |
![]() Crepis armena DC. |
![]() Crepis armena DC |
![]() Crepis armena DC |
![]() Crepis armena DC |
Crepis L. |
C. armena DC, Prodr. 7:168 (1838). Syn: C. armena DC. subsp. longibracta Babcock, Gen. Crepis 523 (1947), Ic: Babcock, Gen. Crepis f. 144, 145 (1947). Scapigerous, rarely ± caulescent perennial 12-25(-35) cm with a woody root-stock. Scapes erect, usually ± leafless, l-2(-3)-capitulate with a short glandular indumentum, rarely flowering stems leafy above. Leaves 2.5-12 x 0.5-2.5 cm, elliptic-lanceolate to oblanceolate, irregularly dentate with ± triangular teeth,apex usually acute, glabrescent or with an indumentum of short, stiff usually glandular hairs, cauline leaves, if present, reduced, sessile, ± entire margined. Capitula 25-55-flowered. Involucre 11.5-17 mm, dark green with an indumentum of long and short hairs, glandular or not. Receptacle glabrous at fruiting stage. Ligules 10-13.5 mm, yellow. Style branches yellow. Achenes 7-8.5 mm, unbeaked, straw-coloured or greenish, finely ribbed. Pappus ± included in or slightly exserted from involucre. Fl. 6-7. Rocky limestone slopes, 1950-3400 m. Type: in Armenia, Aucher 3280 (K! G-DC, photo!). E. & adjacent S. Anatolia. Kurdistan: 1840, Brant & Strangways! A7 Gümü-şane: Ilya Da., Sint. 1894:6048! B6 Sivas: Ulaş, vi 1939, Reese. Kayseri/Adana: Aslan Da., 70 km E.S.E. of Erciyas Da., Bal. 771 (type of var. longibracta Babcock). Maraş: d. Göksun, Binboğa Da., on Işik Da. above Karli Y., 2600 m, D. 20022! B7 Erzincan: Sipikör Da., Sint. 1889:1210! Tunceli: ıMunzur Da., above Ovacik, 2700 m, D. 31244! B8 Erzurum: S. of Erzurum on road to Çat, 1950m, D.M.Brown 820! B9Bitlis/Van: 10km S.E. of Pelli, c. 2745 m, D. 22576! Van: Çuhgediği, Hoşap to Başkale, 2800-2870 m, Hub.-Mor. 11260! C5 Adana: Farasch, 2000 m, 1912, Siehe. Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element. Most closely related to C. heterotricha DC. from the mountains of N. and W. Iran. Babcock distinguished subsp. longibracta from the type subspecies on the number and length of the outer phyllaries and on the longer inner phyllaries and pappus. With the material now available it is not possible to maintain this subspecies. C. armena has been recorded as having a glabrous receptacle. However, when in flower it is sometimes sparsely cilate with brittle hairs seldom exceeding the immature achenes and apparently soon caducous. In habit it resembles C. sahendii but in that species the receptacular setae are persistent and longer than the mature achenes. |