Asteraceae |
![]() Cousinia satdagensis HUB.-MOR. |
![]() Cousinia satdagensisi Hub.-Mor. |
![]() Cousinia satdagensisi Hub.-Mor |
Cousinia CASS. |
C. satdagensis Hub.-Mor. in Notes R.B.G. Edinb. 32:55 (1972). Map 33a, p. 341. Perennial, 35-45 cm, branched in upper half, 3-8-headed. Stems slender, erect, angular, adpressed white-tomentose. Leaves white-tomentose below, arachnoid above; lateral spines up to 5 mm, terminal up to 10 mm; basal leaves oblong to lanceolate, 15-25x4-6 cm, lobed to pinnatipartite, with 10 or more pairs of broad triangular segments; stem leaves sessile, decurrent into broad cuneate wings (0.5-)l-5 cm, median and upper stem leaves ovate to lanceolate, ± un-divided. Young, not flowering capitula ± globose, c. 3 cm broad incl. spines, c. 120-flowered; phyllaries c. 75, densely white-woolly, only spines emerging. Bristles of receptacle barbellate. Flowers and achenes unknown. Fl.7-8. Rocky igneous and shaly slopes, 2200-2850 m. Type: [Turkey C10] Prov. Hakkari, 21 km from Bajirge to Yüksekova, meadow on shaly hillside, 2230 m, 18 vi 1966, P.H.Davis 45230 (holo. E!). S.E. Anatolia. C9 Hakkari: pass between Hakkari and Kaval, N. slopes, 2500 m, D. 45422! C10 Hakkari: Sat. Da. N.W. of Sat G., 2850 m, D. 45488! Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element. The only representative of Sect. Sphaerocephalae in Anatolia, near to the N. and C. Iranian C. sphaerocephala Jaub. & Spach. Sect. Cousinia. Perennials. Leaves leathery, spiny-lobed to pinnatipartite; stem leaves normally distinctly decurrent. Capitula small or of medium size, (5-)10-45-flowered. Involucre ovoid-oblong to broadly ovoid, rarely globose, densely arachnoid-woolly to glabrous; phyllaries 45-175, with small, erect-spreading or more frequently reflexed terminal spine. Flowers yellow or pink to purple,10-15(-17) mm. Achenes mostly 5x2 mm, striped lengthwise or angular, the apex truncate and ± marginate, scarcely or finely denticulate. |