Asteraceae |
![]() Cirsium pubigerum (DESF.) DC. var. caniforme PETRAK |
![]() Cirsium pubigerum (DESF.) DC. var. caniforme PETRAK |
Cirsium MILLER |
C. pubigerum (Desf.) DC, Prodr. 6:650 (1838). Petrak in Mitt. Thür. Bot. Ges. 2(1): 15-22 (1960). Perennial, 100-125 cm, very variable in habit and leaf shape. Stems shortly winged or unwinged (rarely long-winged), subcorymbose to divaricately paniculate above. Median cauline leaves shallowly sinuate-lobed or toothed to pinnatifid to ¾, herbaceous to coriaceous, glabrous, ± pubescent or rarely sparsely arachnoid, the ascending or patent lobes or teeth broadly triangular to lanceolate, entire to 2-4-fid, spinulose-margined and tipped by 2-7-{-10) mm spines. Capitula mostly pedunculate or subsessile and clustered on branch tips, with or without reduced subtending leaf spines. Involucres hemispherical, 15-23 mm. Phyllaries 5-7-seriate, median oblong-lanceolate, usually papillose and ciliolate, apex attenuate with conspicuous blackish narrowly oblong subcarinate vitta extending 2-3 mm down phyllary, with a yellowish erecto-patent terminal 0.5-2 mm spine. Corollas 18-22 mm, purple (rarely white). Achenes 3.5-4 mm. Pappus 15-16 mm. Fl. 6-9. By streams, rarely in forests, 1400-3000 m. 1. Cauline leaves doubly dentate to lobed to ½-way, longer spines 2-3 mm; phyllary spines 0.5-1 mm 2. Leaves divided to ½-way into triangular-lanceolate lobes; peduncles 0.2-3 cm; involucre 18-22 mm var. glomeratum 2. Leaves shortly and closely sinuate-lobed to doubly dentate; peduncles 2-12 cm; involucre 15-20 mm var. caniforme 1. Cauline leaves pinnatifid to ½-¾, longer spines 3-7(-10) mm; phyllary spines 1-2 mm 3. Leaf lobes separated by U-shaped sinus; corymb lax, with ascending branches; peduncles 0.2-9(-ll) cm; involucre 18-23 mm; phyllary spines 1-2 mm var. paphlagonicum 3. Leaf lobes separated by wide square sinus; panicle divaricately branched, peduncles 0.2-3 cm; involucre 15-18 mm; phyllary spines c. 1 mm var. spinosum var. caniforme Petrak in Mitt. Thür. Bot. Ges. 2(1): 19 (1960). Syn: C. pubigerum DC. var. foliosum Petrak op. cit. 18 (1960). Type: [Turkey B9] Ağri: zwischen Ağri (Karaköse) und Horasan, 54 km östlich von Horasan, zwischen Zidikan und Velibaba, c. 2500 m, 4-5 ix 1957, Rechinger 15081 (W!). A9 Çoruh: Kutul Y., 2200 m, 5 viii 1966, Steiner! B7 Erzincan: Erzincan to Sivas, 52 km W.N.W. of Refahiye, 2000 m, Rech. 15176. B9 Ağri: 54 km E. of. Horasan, pass between Zidikan and Velibaba, 2500 m, Rech. 15080 (as var foliosum)! C9 Hakkari: Cilo Da., Diz De., 1430 m, D. 23876! N. Iraq. Rechinger 15080 and 15081 from the same place in B9 were determined by Petrak as var. foliosum and var. caniforme respectively. They probably represent the plant's response to wetter and drier (or more exposed) habitats |