Asteraceae |
![]() Cirsium obvallatum (BIEB.) FISCHER |
![]() Cirsium obvallatum (BIEB.) FISCHER |
![]() Cirsium obvallatum (BIEB.) FISCHER |
Cirsium MILLER |
C. obvallatum (Bieb.) Fischer in Cat. Jard. Gorenki ed. 2:35 (1812). Syn. Cnicus obvallatus Bieb., Fl. Taur.-Cauc. 2:279 (1808). Ic: Fl.Azerb. 8: t. 40 f. 2 (1961), poor. Perennial, 25-70 cm. Stems unwinged, shortly corymbose and few-capitulate above. Median cauline leaves oblong-pinnatifid, lobes shortly divided into several triangular shortly spined lobules (spines slender, 1-6 mm), subglabrous, pale bright green (in vivo), base ampiexicaul and spinose-lobulate. Capitula 2-6(-10) per stem, overtopped by many involucrate leaves which are linear-lanceolate and deeply dissected into many very unequal slender whitish simple or pinnatisect spines. Involucres hemispherical, 17-20 mm, glabrous, phyllaries 6-7-seriate, median oblong-lanceolate, with a darkened linear 4-6 mm vitta, acuminate intoa short spinule. Corollas 16-18 mm, greenish-white; anther tube mauve. Achenes c. 4 mm. Pappus c. 14 mm. Fl. 8. Ravines, rocky igneous slopes near streams, 2050-2800 m. Type: [Georgia] in herbidis subalpinis Caucasi, circa acidulam Narzana, versus cacumen Beschtau et in convallibus alpium ibericarum (LE). N.E. Anatolia. A8 Çoruh: Şavval Tepe above Murgul, 2700-2800 m, D. 32272! A9 Çoruh: Yalnizçam Da., nr Kutul, 2050 m, D. 32444! Caucasia, N. & N.W. Iran. Hyrcano-Euxine (mt.) element. Material seen from N. Iran (Bornm. 7284) has longer stouter spines than that from Turkey. In N.W. Iran this species varies in the direction of C. hygrophilum Boiss. In Turkish material of C. obvallatum grown in Scotland (D. 32444), the involucral leaves are shorter and less conspicuous than in the wild gathering. A hybrid between this species and C. simplex (C. x koslowskyii Petrak!) has been collected at Bakuriani in Adjaria and should be looked for in neighbouring Çoruh. |