Asteraceae |
![]() Cirsium aduncum FISCH. ET MEY. EX DC. subsp. bashkalense DAVIS ET PARRIS |
![]() Cirsium aduncum FISCH. ET MEY. EX DC. subsp. bashkalense DAVIS ET PARRIS |
Cirsium MILLER |
C. aduncum Fisch. & Mey. ex DC, Prodr. 6:636 (1838). subsp. bashkalense Davis & Parris in Notes R.B.G. Edinb. 33:414 (1975). Many-stemmed perennial, 100-150 cm. Stems branched, unwinged, glabrescent or sparsely arachnoid. Median cauline leaves oblong, pinnatisect, lateral lobes unequally bifid, c. 4-5-paired, triangular to long-triangular, lateral and terminal lobes with 4-10 mm apical spine, sparsely spinose-strigose above, setae c. 5 per 2 mm square, 0.2-2.2 mm, otherwise glabrous or very sparsely arachnoid; glabrous below or very sparsely arachnoid. Lateral branches short, c. 5-11, with many-capitulate racemes or racemose panicles, uppermost leaves 2-4, usually shorter than involucre, rarely equal to or longer than it, involucrate. Involucres erect, obconical-cylindrical to obconical-obovoid, 10-15 mm. Phyllaries arach-noid, c. 8-seriate; median 7-12 mm incl. ± erect to reflexed 0.5-1.3 x 0.1-0.15 mmapical spine. Corollas pink, 16-17 mm. Achenes 4.5-5.0 mm. Pappus 11-14.5 mm. Fl. 8. Steppe, fields and hillsides, 2200-2500 m. Type: Turkey B9 Van: 10 km N.W. of Başkale, 2500 m, 18 viii 1954, Davis 24520 (holo. E! iso. BM!). S.E. Anatolia. B9 Van: between Hoşap and W. foot of Keper Da., 2200 m, D. 24528! Endemic? Differs from subsp. oduncum (Caucasus, Transcaucasia, N.W. Iran, N. Iraq) in having involucres with obconical rather than rounded base. However, an illustration in Fl. URS S (28: t. 5 f. 1, 1963) closely matches subsp. bashkalense in involucre shape. |