Asteraceae |
![]() Cephalorrhynchus tuberosus (STEV.) SCHCHIAN |
![]() Cephalorrhynchus tuberosus (STEV.) SCHCHIAN |
Cephalorrhynchus BOISS. |
C. tuberosus (Stev.) Schchian in Zam. Sist. Geogr. Rast. 23:99 (1963). Syn: Prenanthes hispida Bieb., FI. Taur.-Cauc. 2:245 (1808) non Pall. (1771); P. tuberosa Stev. in Mem. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 4:99 (1813); Lactuca hispida DC, Prodr. 7:139 (1838); Cephalorrhynchus glandulosus Boiss., Diagn. ser. 1(4):28 (1844); C. candolleanus Boiss., FI. Or. 3:820 (1875) nom. illegit; C. hispidus Boiss., op. cit. 821 (1875) nom. illegit.; C. confertus Conrath & Freyn ex Freyn in Bull. Herb. Boiss. 3:477 (1895); Cicerbita glandulosa (Boiss.) Beauverd in Bull. Soc. Bot. Geneve ser. 2, 2:140 (1910); C. hispida Beauverd, op. cit. 141 (1910) nom. illegit.; Cephalorrhynchus kirpicznikovii Grossh. in Not. Syst. (Leningrad) 13:31 (1950). Ic: Turrill in Hook., Ic. Pl. 33: t. 3277 (1935) as C. glandulosus. Figure 26, p. 781. Biennial or perennial with tuberous rhizome. Stems slender to stout, erect 10-70 cm, glandular-setulose throughout or in lower part. Leaves membranous, glabrous, ± pinnatisect or lyrate-pinnatisect, variously lobed, ± sinuate-laciniate, sinuate-denticulate or entire, basal and lower cauline with 2-16 lateral lobes, 7.5-25.5 x 2.5-10 cm, with petioloid base and usually small auricles; median lyrate-pinnatisect or pandurate, smaller, with fewer lateral lobes and rounded entire or ± sinuate-dentate auricles. Inflorescence ± corymbiform, few- to many-capitulate; pedicels glandular-setose, bracts glabrous or occasionally with a few glandular setae. Involucre 9.5-17 mm, phyllaries 14-16, glabrous or with a few glandular setae, often with purplish tips and margins. Flowers whitish or yellowish, sometimes drying blue, 1.4-1.9 cm, hairy about mouth. Achenes 6.2-9.5 mm, blackish-brown, fusiform, little compressed, with several broad rounded ribs and slender, paler 1.7-3.5 mm beak. Pappus white, inner 4.5-6 mm, weakly scabrous, outer 0.2-0.4 mm. Fl. 5-7. Rocky slopes with Quercus or coniferous forest or scrub, 600-2600 m. Described from Georgia, Steven (iso. K! holo. LE). Scattered in Anatolia, except N.E. A3 Ankara: Beypazari, 1500 m, Akman 904! A5 Çorum: nr Alaca, Bornm. 3011. Bl Izmir: Manisa Da., Boiss. B3 Eskişehir: Sündiken Da., Ekim 20! B7 Tunceli: Munzur Da., above Ovacik, 2400 m, D.31359! B9 Siirt: 4 km N.E. of Uçum, 20 km S.W. of Mukus, Frödin, 1939:70 ! C2 Muğla: 26 km N. of Muğla, 1200 m, Hub.-Mor. 5463! C5 Konya: 46 km N. of Akseki, 1360 m, Hub.-Mor. 10041! C4 Içel: Mut, Adras Da., 1300 m, Coode & Jones 987! C5 Adana: Karsanti, 1750 m, Yurdakulol 95! C6 Hatay: Düldül, Haradj. 2436! C7 Urfa: [nr Birecik], Sint. 1888:1027 p.p.! Balkans, Crimea, Caucasus, Syria, Lebanon, Cyprus. |