Asteraceae |
![]() Centaurea vanensis WAGENITZ |
![]() Centaurea vanensis WAGENITZ |
![]() Centaurea vanensis WAGENITZ |
![]() Centaurea vanensis WAGENITZ |
![]() Centaurea vanensis WAGENITZ |
![]() Centaurea vanensis WAGENITZ |
Centaurea L. |
C. vanensis Wagenitz in Notes R.B.G. Edinb. 33:223 (1974). Perennial, capitulum solitary, sessile or nearly sessile (on stem up to 1.5 cm) in a rosette of leaves. Leaves hirsute with septate hairs, petiolate, pinnatipartite with numerous larger and smaller segments, larger pinnatipartite or pinnati-lobate, ultimate segments linear, c. 2 mm broad, mostly with undulate margins. Involucre 20-22 x 20-28 mm, nearly globose. Appendages rather large, but concealing only part of the greenish phyllaries, dark brown or blackish, broadly triangular, sometimes slightly decurrent, palmately cilate, cilia (4-)6-ll on each side, 3-5 mm, terminal scarcely longer. Flowers creamy white. Achenes 4-4.5 mm; pappus 1.5-2.5 mm. Fl. 5-6. Stony slopes, steppe, 1750-2750 m. Type: Turkey B9 Van: 20 km from Hoşap to Başkale, 2750 m, S.W. stony slope N. of pass, 9 vi 1966, Davis 44632 (holo. GOET! iso. E! K!). S.E. Anatolia. B9 Van: Van, Noé 130! ibid., vi 1912, Kulzer! BIO Van: 6 km from Özalp to Saray, 2250 m, D. 44289! N.W. Iran. Ir.-Tur. element. Most closely related to C. ustulata DC. from N.W. and N. Iran and Transcaucasia but apparently quite distinct. Some of the records for C. ustulata cited by Boissier belong to this species. Sect. Grossheimia (Sosn. & Takht.) M.Dittrich (Syn: Sect. Jacea DC. § Macrocephalae Boiss.). Perennials with erect stout simple or sparingly branched stems and large to very large capitula. Leaves undivided, broadly lanceolate, upper sometimes shortly decurrent, uppermost enveloping capitula. Involucre hemispherical to subglobose. Appendages very variable but never decurrent or truly spiny (spinulose in C. helenioides). Flowers yellow, marginal not radiant or only slightly so. Achenes large; pappus about as long as achenes, scabrous; inner row short. |