Asteraceae |
![]() Centaurea aggregata FISCH. ET MEY. EX DC. subsp. aggregata FISCH. ET MEY. EX DC. |
![]() Centaurea aggregata FISCH. ET MEY. EX DC. subsp. aggregata FISCH. ET MEY. EX DC |
Centaurea L. |
C. aggregata Fisch. & Mey. ex DC, Prodr. 6:585 (1838). Perennial, stems erect, (30-)40-75 cm, branched in upper part, capitula in small clusters of (2-)3-5(-10), congested at end of branches. Lower and median leaves lyrate with large lanceolate terminal segment and 2-5 pairs of narrowly lanceolate lateral segments, rarely lower undivided; upper simple, lanceolate to oblanceo-subsp. aggregata. Syn: C. pauciflora C.Koch in Linnaea 24:433 (1851); C. chrysolopha Boiss. & Kotschy in Boiss., Diagn. ser. 2(3): 75 (1856); C. amani Post in Bull. Herb. Boiss. 1:23 (1893)! C. virgata Lam. subsp. aggregata (DC.) Gugler in Ann. Hist.-Nat. Mus. Hung. 6:248 (1908)! Acosta aggregata (DC.) Soják in Čas. Národn. Muz., Odd. Přir. 140:133 (1972)! Figure 20, p. 487. Map 54, p. 507. Type: [N.W. Iran] in glareosis ad torrentem Avrin [d. Khoy] prov. Aderbei-schan Persico-Rossicae, 27 vii 1828, Szovits (holo. G-DC! iso. H! K!). Mainly S. & E. Anatolia. A6 Ordu: Fatsa to Aybasti, 700 m, Tobey 1374! A7 Gümüşane: Boejukdere (Büyükdere) above Artabir (Ertabil), Sint. 1894:7181! A8 Erzurum: above Ispir, c. 3 km S. of Çayigözü köyü, 1840 m, Buttler 14232! A8/9 Çoruh: d. Artvin, Twerda, 700-800 m, Holmberg 2419! 2439! B6 Sivas: Ak Da., 1700 m, Bornm. 1889:1116! B7 Tunceli: above Pertek, 1600 m, D. 31053! B8 Bingöl: 20 km E. of Bingöl, 1750 m, 4 vii 1963, M.Zohary! B9 Ağri: Tahir pass, 1980 m, Furse 3605! C4 Içel: 3 km S. of Uzuncaburç, 800 m, Sorger 71-24-2! C5 Adana: Karasanti, Soğuk oluk, 1050 m, Yurdakulol 66! C6 Maraş: Akher Dagh (Ahir Da.) nr Maraş, 900 m, Haradj. 1506! C5/6 Adana/Hatay: Amanus, B.Post 95 (type of C. amani)! C8 Mardin: Senar (Sinnare), Sint. 1888:1293! Cİ0 Hakkari: Zab gorge, 48 km S. of Başkale, D. 23811 (differing in the narrower segments of the leaves)! Transcaucasia, N.W. & W. Iran, N. Iraq. In most cases easily recognized by the congested heads with small brownish appendages and very short terminal mucro, and the fresh green lyrate leaves. While the type of C. amani Post shows scarcely any differences, one gathering from the Amanus (Yağlipinar S. of Yarpuz, 1150-1350 m, Hub.-Mor. 15885!) has a distinctly different habit: only up to 30 cm high and most capitula single, perhaps corresponding to C. aggregata var. microcephala Post (Fl. Syria 465:1896 |