Asteraceae |
![]() Carduus lanuginosus WILLD. |
![]() Carduus lanuginosus WILLD |
Carduus L. |
C. lanuginosus Willd., Sp. PL 3:1648 (1803). Syn: Onopordon acanthifolium C.Koch in Linnaea 24:390 (1851); ? Carduus pannosus Trautv. in Acta Horti Petrop. 3(2): 271 (1875); C. lanuginosus Willd. subsp. kotschyi Kazmi in Mitt. Bot. Staatssamml. München 5:350 (1964)! Ic: Kazmi, op. cit. 506, f. 11, 12. Map 45, p. 433. Perennial, 20-50 cm. Stems (like leaves) densely adpressed white-tomentose, leafy throughout, sinuate-winged with triangular spiny-margined lobes, corym-bosely few-headed. Cauline leaves pinnatifid to ½-¾, equally tomentose on both surfaces, primary segments 3-4-fid into triangular or lanceolate, ± stoutly spine-tipped lobes (spines 2-10 mm). Capitula solitary on ± short, unarmed or spinu-lose peduncles. Involucre densely arachnoid, depressed-globose, 20-30 mm long (incl. spines); phyllaries lax, median ovate-lanceolate, prominently 1-nerved, patent and attenuate into a long subulate spine. Corollas zygomorphic, pink, 19-22 mm. Achenes 4-5 mm; pappus c. 20 mm. Fl. 7-8. Rocky limestone slopes. screes, eroded places and wash-outs, 2250-3100 m. Described from 'Armenia'. N.E., E. & S. Anatolia. A7 Giresun: Balabandağlari above Tamdere, 2300-2800 m, D. 20511! Gümüşane: Karagöl Da., Sitit. 1894:7166! A9 Kars: Killik Da., W. of Akçay to Cumaçay road, 2250-2500 m, Watson et al. 3426! B7 Tunceli: Munzur Da. above Ovacik, 2800 m, D. 31276! B8 Erzurum: Palandöken Da., 2350-2560 m, Battler 16132! C5 Niğde: d. Ulukişla, Bulgar Da. nr Sari Tepe Y., 2700 m, D. 16581! Ala Da., 3100 m, Ellenberg 266, 343. Içel/Niğde: Bulghar Da., nr Koschan G., 2590 m, Kotschy 300, 331 (syntypes of subsp. kotschyi)! Endemic. Confined to open mountain habitats. The only very distinct species of Carduus in Turkey, readily distinguished by its pannose indumentum. C. pannosus Trautv. (described from B8 Erzurum: Palandöken Da.) is probably a short-spined form of this species. |