Asteraceae |
![]() Bellis perennis L. |
Bellis L. |
B. perennis L., Sp. Pl. 886 (1753). Syn: B. armena Boiss., Fl. Or. 3:174 (1875)! Ic: Hegi, 111. Fl. Mittel-Eur. 6(1): t. 258 (1916). Perennial, usually rosulate herb. Leaves spathulate, 2-30 x 0.5-1.5 cm, obtuse or broadly acute at apex, rather abruptly attenuate into winged petiolar base, entire or with up to 5 shallow teeth on each side near apex, sparsely pubescent on both surfaces. Capitula on l.5-10(-25) cm scapes. Involucre 0.5-1 cm broad; phyllaries ovate-lanceolate, 3-6 x 0.75-2.5 mm, obtuse or acute at apex. Ray flowers 30-50; ligules 5-7 mm, white and often pink beneath. Disc corollas 1.5-2 mm. Achenes rounded at apex, 1.3-1.5 x 0.7-0.8 mm, weakly pubescent. Fl. 3-8 (throughout year -fide Boissier). Moist places, often in forests, s.I. -2000 m. Described from Europe (Hb. Cliff. 418/1! Hb. Linn. 1006/1). Turkey-in-Europe, Outer & (rarely) Inner Anatolia, Islands. A1(E) Kırklareli: Dereköy, Bauer & Spitz. 649! A1(A) Çanakkale: Kurşunlu, Sint. 1883:308! A2(E) Istanbul: Kilyos, s.l., Coode & Jones 60! A2(A) Istanbul: Paşabahçe to Polonezköy, 2 vi 1940, B.Post! A3 Bolu: Düzce to Akçakoca, 320 m, D. 37474! A4 Kastamonu: Inebolu, Sint. 1892:3841! A5 Sinop; 70 km S. of Sinop, 1450 m, Sorger 69-17-7! A6 Samsun: Samsun, Tobey 7! A7 Gümüşane: Wang (Venk), Sint. 1894:5640! A8 Rize: Ispir to Rize road, 2 km N. of Sivrikaya köyü, 1600 m, Buttler 16157! Bl Manisa: Sabuncu beli on road to Manisa, 410-480 m, Buttler 12444! B3 Konya: Sultan Da. above Engeli, 1600 m, Bornm. 1899:4634. B7 Elaziğ: Maden, Romieux. B9 Bitlis: d. Kotum, Karz Da., 2000 m, D. 24555! C1 Izmir: Samsun Da. above Güzelçamli, 800 m, D. 41722! C2 Antalya: Yumru Da., 1500 m, Sorger 63-31-32! C3 Konya: 80 km N. of Akseki, 1400 m, It.Leyd. 1959:905! C4 Içel: d. Anamur, Kaldokan Da., 1000 m, D. 25898! C5 Içel: Bolkar Da. nr Biridglek, 1350 m, 21 viii 1931, Eig & M.Zoharyl C6 Hatay: Dörtyol, Kuzuculu to Bülke, 1000 m, Coode & Jones 446! Is: Khios, Panaghia Krina, Platt 411! Samos, Mt. Kerki, 1100 m, Rech. 1941; Leros, Desio; Kos, Hansen 212; Rodhos, Mt. Profet Elias, 600 m, D. 40320! Throughout Europe, Cyprus, W. Syria, Soviet Azerbaijan. Euro-Sib. element. Boissier (Fl. Or. 3:174, 1875) described var. microcephala with capitula half aslarge, from Rize (Balansa). He acknowledged that this might only represent a form, possibly a depauperate one, of this species: M.Zohary 338 (from Zigana pass between Gümüşane and Trabzon, 2000 m) has small capitula, but Buttler 16157 (from Rize, 1600 m) has normal-sized heads. The type of B. armena (A7 Gümüşane: Gümüşane, Bourgeau 421!) appears to be no more than an immature specimen of B. perennis that was collected before the ray flowers had properly expanded, hence the ligules are, as Boissier described them, scarcely (2-3 mm) longer than the involucre; the phyllaries are somewhat longer than usual (6-7 mm) and only slightly more acuminate. None of its leaves measures more than 8 mm broad but similar specimens are not uncommon in B. perennis, and, as in this species, they are weakly 3-nerved. B. perennis is variable in size of capitulum and coloration of ligules. Selected strains of this species are cultivated in Europe for decoration. |