Apiaceae |
![]() Pimpinella nudicaulis TRAUTV. |
Pimpinella L. |
P. nudicaulis Trautv. in Acta Horti Petrop. 2:473 (1873). Erect glabrous or minutely puberulent perennial with leafless stems up to 40 cm. Basal leaves 5-15 cm long, petiolate, ovate-elliptic, 1-pinnate with deeply toothed segments. Umbels 7-10-rayed; bracts and bracteoles absent. Flower white, 8-15 per umbellule. Fruit 3-4 mm long, ovoid, glabrous; stylopodium depressed. Fl. 6-7. Rocky places, 1650-2850 m. Type: [Turkey B10 Kars] in Armeniae tractu pascuo, Kasikibaran dicto, Radde. E. Anatolia. A9 Kars: nr. Kağizman (Grossheim 7: map 93). B7 Erzincan: Sipikör Da., Sint. 1890:3201! B8 Erzurum: 66 km from Hinis to Erzurum, in Aras Gorge, 1650 m, D. 46445! B9 Van/Siirt: Kavuşşahap Da., S. of Pişvanik, N. side above Arpit, 2200-2850 m, Watson et al. 3571! Soviet Armenia, Azerbaijan. Ir.-Tur. element. |