Apiaceae |
![]() Grammosciadium daucoides DC. |
![]() Grammosciadium daucoides DC |
Grammosciadium DC. |
G. daucoides DC, Mem. 5 (Umb.):62 (1829). Syn: G. aucheri Boiss. in Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. 3, 2:67 (1844); G. aucheri Boiss. subsp. pauciradiatum Freyn & Sint. in Üst. Bot. Zeitschr. 42:128 (1892)! Prionitis daucoides (Boiss.) Koso-Pol. in Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. n.s. 29:140 (1915); P. aucheri (Boiss.) Koso-Pol., loc. cit. Ic: Fl. URSS 16: t. 8 f. 1 (1950). Erect, branched ± glabrous plants with angled or ± terete stems, 25-55 cm. Basal leaves triangular, 11-17x2-3 cm, 2-pinnate: pinnae deeply pinnatisect, segments linear, 2-5 mm; lower leaves similar but narrower. Upper leaves 1-pin-nate, shorter, ± ovate, with ultimate segments to 10 mm. Rays 6-12, widely spreading, 2.5-7 cm. Bracts 5-7, pinnatisect with filiform segments, 5-15 mm. Bracteoles c. 6, entire or pinnatisect, c. 3-6 mm. Pedicels 1-6 mm. Sepals ± subulate. Umbellules with (l-)6-18 fruits. Fruit linear-oblong, 8-12 x c. 1 mm, unwinged. Style 2-3 mm. Fl. 5-6. Stony hillsides, damp meadows, 1200-2400m. Based on a specimen in Hb. Tournefort (no. 2783 in Hb. P)! Mainly E. Anatolia; rare in C. & S. Anatolia. A6 Sivas: Yildiz Da., 2200-2400 in, Bornm. 1890:2215. A7 Gümüşane: Aymene Bogaz, Sint. 1894:6222! A8 Gürnüşane: Beldak nr. Bayburt, 22 vii 1862, Bourgeau! A9 Kars: nr. Karakurt, vii 1912, Lonaczewiski. B6 Malatya: Kangal to Hekimhan, 1300 m, Stn. & Hend. 5387! 37 Erzincan: Egin, Jailabaschi, Sint. 1890:3505! B8/9 Muş/Bitlis: Muş to Tatvan, 1300 m. M. Zohary & Plitm. 2160-34! B9 Ağri: 2 km S.W. of Hamur (Murat valley) 1670 m', D. 44068! C4 Konya: Jelibel Da., Karaman to Ermenek, 1750 m, Hub.-Mor. 8201! C6 Gaziantep: Kurd Da., 1200-1530 m, Haradj. 1170! C7 Urfa/Diyarbakir: Karacadağ, 10 vi 1841, Kotschy. Georgia, Soviet Armenia, N. Iraq. Ir.-Tur. element. G. scabridum Boiss. (Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. 3, 2:66, 1844), described from 'Armenia' and based on Aucher 3606 (K! P!, one sheet as 'Persia') differs from G. daucoides in having longer pedicels and the petal oil-duct running the whole length of the petal. It is recorded from N. Iraq and N.W, Iran but apparently, despite the type locality given by Boissier, is not in Turkey. |