Apiaceae |
![]() Bunium paucifolium DC. var. paucifolium DC. |
Bunium L. |
B. paucifolium DC, Prodr. 4:117 (1830). Syn: Carum elegans Fenzl, Pug. 16 (1842); Bunium elegans (Fenzl) Freyn in Öst. Bot. Zeitschr. 3:83 (1892). Figure 7, p. 277. Map 53, p. 341. Glabrous ascending or erect perennial with branched terete finely ridged stems, 10-120 cm. Basal leaves triangular, up to 30x13 cm, 2-3-pinnate; ultimate segments linear, very variable in length. Upper cauline leaves 1-2-pinnate with linear to filiform segments and sheathing petioles. Rays 3-15, ± equal, 5-40 mm. Bracts 2-9, 1-20 x 0-5-2 mm. Bracteoles 1-7, 1.5-10 x c. 0.5 mm. Flowers white or pinkish, 5-20 per umbellule; petals not inflexed, c. 2 mm long. Fruits oblong, glabrous, c. 5x2 mm; styles 2-3 mm, spreading to defiexed; stylopodium ± flat. A common and very variable species in eastern Anatolia, easily recognized by the large petals and long fruiting styles. Many varieties have been recognized based on the variation or degree of branching, bract length, number of rays, length of pedicels, etc. Although many of these taxa completely intergrade, three are probably worth recognizing. 1. Rays short, 10-15 mm; pedicels stellately spreading and about as long as fruit var. brevipes 1. Rays 10-40 mm; pedicels not stellately spreading in fruit, shorter or longer than fruit 2. Stems unbranched below, much branched in inflorescence region; rays 3-6 var. junceum 2. Stems branched from base; rays 6-15 var. paucifolium var. brevipes (Freyn & Sint.) Hedge & Lamond. comb. nov. Syn: B. elegans (Fenzl) Freyn var. brevipes Freyn &. Sint. in Ost. Bot. Zeitschr. 42:83 (1892)! Fl. 6. Rocky slopes, 1730-2500 m. Type: [Turkey B7 Erzincan] Jarbaschi, near Kemaliye, Sintenis 1889:653 (iso. LD!). E. Anatolia. B7 Malatya: Kube Da. between Malatya and Pütürge, 1730 m, Hub.-Mor. 9439. C7 Adiyaman: Nemrut Da. at Kâhta, 2200 m, Hand.-Mazz. 2116. C9 Hakkari: 5 km from Hakkari to Kaval, 1850 m, D. 45409! CIO Hakkari: Bacirge to Yüksekova, 2500 m, Watson et al. 2960! Endemic? Ir.-Tur. element. |