Amaryllidaceae |
![]() Sternbergia fischeriana (HERBERT) RUPR. |
![]() Sternbergia fischeriana (HERBERT) RUPR. |
![]() Sternbergia fischeriana (HERBERT) RUPR. |
![]() Sternbergia fischeriana (HERBERT) RUPR |
Sternbergia WALDST. ET KIT. |
S. fischesriana (Herbert) Rupr. in Regel, Gartenfl. 17:100, t. 576 (1868). Sya: Oporsmhus fischerianus Herbert, Amaryll. 412, t, 47 f. 3 (1837)! Ic: Bet. Mag. 121: t.7441 (1895);Plantsman 5:9 (1983). Map 52. Bulb c. 2.5-3.5 cm diam. Leaves 4-7, lorate, synanthous, Oat,not or scarcely keeled, 6-12 mm broad, dull grey-green or shiny green. Aerial portion of scape c. 3-15 cm at anthesis. Bract 2.5-4.5 cm. Flower usually pale yellow, sessile or on a pedicel to 5 mm. Perianth tube 3-5(-15) mm;segments oblanceoiate, (i.5-)2-3,5{-4)x0. 5-0.8(4,3) cm. Filaments 1-2 cm. Seeds with a large stroph-io!e. fl (ll-)2-3. In scrub and edge of woods in stony ground, nrs.l.-1500 m. Type: [USSR, Azerbaijan] in coilibus graminosis circa casteUum Agh-oglan provinciae Karabagh, Fischer (holo. KS iso. LE). S, & S.W. Anatolia. Cilician Taurus, Danford! Northern Mesopotamia, 1S95, ex catt van Tiibergea! C2 Muğla: Marmaris, Tallica, T. Baytop (ISTE 38919)! €5 Adana: N.of Adana, 1500m, ex cult, vanTubergen! İçel/Konya: Giaour Dsgh (Gavur Da.), Danford! C6 Hatay; d. Şenköy, Ziyaret Da., 1000 m, T. Baytop (İSTE 31250)! Adana: Haruniye, T. Baytop (İSTE 12467)! E. Tıaascaucasia, Iraq, Iran, Kashmir; Syria? The two collections from C6 have shiny green leaves whereas the species normally has dull grey-green foliage. A specimen collected by one of Whittall's collectors from 'Kas Dagh' cannot be localised; it is unlikely to be from Kaz Da. in BI Balikesir. |