Aceraceae |
Acer L.
A. monspessulanum L,, Sp. PL 1056 (1753). Map 49, p. 515. Shrub or small tree up to 7(-12) m. Young branches glabrous, pubescent or villosulous. Leaf blade 3-lobed to ½-? (sometimes 5-lobed or coarsely dentate on sterile shoots), 1.1-6 x 1-7.8 cm, rounded or subcordate at base, lobes triangular-ovate to ovate-oblong, entire or ± denticulate, subcoriaceous, lower surface glabrous, pubescent or tomentose; petiole glabrous, pubescent or tomentose, 5-10 cm, not lactiferous. Flowers in erect, shortly pedunculate, more than 5-flowered corymbs. Fruit wings nearly parallel to divaricate (angle between the outside edges of the wings 20-85°), 14-22 x 5-11 mm; nutlets not compressed, rounded, glabrous, pubescent or tomentose; loculus hairy or glabrous. Fl. 4-5. A very variable species. Five subspecies can be recognised in Turkey; other taxa occur in Iran. 1. Loculus (inside) glabrous; sepals not ciliate; leaves glabrous subsp. monspessulanum 1. Loculus (inside) hairy; sepals ciliate; leaves glabrous or hairy beneath . 2. Nutlets glabrous; leaves glabrous or shortly pubescent beneath 3. Leaves glabrous on both sides 4. Leaf blade divided to f, usually less than 3.5 cm, middle lobe narrowly oblong-ovate, 7-15 mm broad at base subsp. microphyllum 4. Leaf blade divided to halfway, more than 3.5 cm, middle lobe broadly ovate, 17-25 mm broad at base subsp. ibericum 3. Leaves shortly adpressed-pubescent on the lower surface (leaf shape as in subsp. ibericum, 2-6 cm) subsp. cinerascens 2. Nutlets ± tomentose; leaf tomentose beneath subsp. oksalianum subsp. cinerascens (Boiss.) Yalt. in Notes R.B.G. Edinb. 28: 10 (1967). Syn: A. cinerascens Boiss., Diagn. ser. 1(4): 29 (1845)! A. assyriacum Pojark. in Act. Inst. Bot. Acad. Sc. Fasc. 1: 145 (1933). Ic: Schneider, I11. Handb. Laub. 2: f. 158, 159 (1907). Rocky limestone slopes, 1100-2000 m. Type: In Persia australi prope urbem Schiraz, Kotschy 37 (K!). B9 Bitlis: Reşadiye to Kotum, 2000 m, D. 22375! Van: 15 km N of Şatak, D. 22986a! C6 Maraş: Ahir Da., 1200 m, Balls 924! C8 Mardin: 5 km E of Mardin, 1100 m, D. 28598! C9 Hakkari: Zab gorge, 40 km S of Başkale, D. 23846! N. Iraq, W. & S. Iran, S. Transcaucasia. Ir.-Tur. element. A very similar specimen has been seen from Algeria. |