Scrophulariaceae |
![]() Veronica macrostachya subsp. macrostachya |
Veronica L. Veronica macrostachya VAHL subsp. macrostachya VAHL. Ömür: Çok yıllık Yapı: ot Hayat formu: İlk çiçeklenme zamanı: 4 Son çiçeklenme zamanı: 6 Habitat: seyrek Quercus ormanı ve çalılığı, maki, kayalıkkalkerli yamaçlar, nadas tarlaları Minimum yükseklik: 300 Maksimum yükseklik: 1700 Endemik: - Element: D. Akdeniz Türkiye dağılımı: G. Anadolu Genel dağılımı: Latakya, Lübnan, Anti-Lübnan Bulunduğu kareler :B7 C4 C5 C8 |
V. macrostachya Vahl, Enum. Pl. 1:71 (1804). Perennial, 5-30 cm, ± woody at base, ± branched, repent or ascending, ± densely pubescent with short to long, thick and subrigid to thin and silky (0.02-0.09 mm broad) hairs. Petiole 0-4 mm. Lamina ovate, obovate, narrowly elliptic or oblanceolate, 10-35x3-13 mm, green or grey-tomentose. Racemes 1-5, rather densely 12-50(-70)-flowered. Pedicels 3-7 mm, 0.3-1.2 x bracts. Calyx 3-5 mm, lobes 4-5. Corolla blue, violet, purple, pink or whitish, 7-12 mm diam. Style 3-5 mm. Capsule ± obcordate, (2.5-)3-4.5 x (3-)4-6 mm, eglandular- pubescent (rarely glabrous), often rather slightly emarginate, base cuneate to ± rounded. Seeds 0-c. 8( ?), elliptic, ± flat, 1-1.8 x 0.8-1.3 mm, rugose. 1. Stems ± ascending; leaves ± green (at least upper surface), hirsute or sericeous, hairs 0.3-1.3 mm, usually eglandular, often ± subrigid, straight curved upwards or ± crisp; margin usually deeply and densely ( ± irregularly) serrate to crenate with (5-)7-16 teeth per side, not or slightly revolute; racemes usually eglandular, lower bracts 5-12 mm, ± entire subsp. macrostachya 1. Stems ascending or decumbent; leaves grey, densely tomentose or lanate with thin eglandular hairs and very short glandular hairs; racemes usually with glandular and eglandular hairs 2. Stems ascending; leaves velvety to villous, hairs patent or slightly retrorse, 0.3-0.7 mm; margin usually deeply and densely (± irregularly) crenate or subpinnatifid with 10-20 teeth per side, not or slightly revolute; lower bracts 5-12 mm, conspicuously serrate to pinnatifid subsp. mardinensis 2. Stems decumbent, ± repent; leaves lanate-tomentose, hairs 0.7-3 mm, + interwoven; margin entire to crenate-serrate with to c. 6 teeth per side, usually conspicuously revolute; lower bracts 3-5 mm, entire subsp. sorgerae subsp. macrostachya. Syn: V. aleppica Boiss., Diagn. ser. 2(3): 169 (1856). Ic: Boul., Fl. Lib. Syr.: t. 315 f. 1 (as V. polifolia), t. 316 f. 2 (1930). Fl. 4-6. Open Quercus forest and scrub, macchie, rocky calcareous slopes, fallow fields, 300- 1700 m. Described from Syria, Labillardière (holo. P-Desf. ?) and from cultivated material (paratype C!). S. Anatolia (Anti-Taurus & Amanus). B5 Kayseri: Bakir Da. between Kisge and Bakir Oluğu Y., 1700 m, D. 19465! B6 Maraş: d. Göksun, Binboğa Da., 1500 m, D. 19963! Adana: 7 km N. of Saimbeyli, 1400 m, Sorger 77-27-56! C5 Adana: Feke, 600m, D. 26658! C6 Maraş: Akher Dagh (Ahir Da.), c. 1220 m, Balls 922! Adana: 43 km from Osmaniye to Fevzi paşa, 900 m, Hub.-Mor. 14037! Hatay: Amanus mts. nr Belen pass (W. side), S. of Iskenderun, 750 m, Watson et al. 640! Gaziantep: c. 30 km W. of Gaziantep, c. 1000 m, Rix 1849! Latakia, Lebanon, Anti-Lebanon. E. Medit. element. Gatherings approaching subsp. sorgerae include C5 Adana: Kassan Oghlu nr Gorumse (Gürümze), c. 1500 m, Kotschy 1859:69! C6 Hatay: d. Iskenderun, Soğuk Oluk to Karlik Tepe, 830 m, Hııb.-Mor. 14034! C6 Adana: N. side of Nur Da. pass, 1000-1100 m, D. 42265! Specimens with sparsely and shortly pubescent or subglabrous leaves possibly exhibit introgression from V. leiocarpa or V. orientalis, e.g. C6 Hatay: Gavur Da., Soğuklu nr Belen, 19 iv 1969, Vöth! Subsp. macrostachya is closely related to V. pectinata, V. leiocarpa, V. dichrus and V. orientalis. It differs from V. pectinata by broader leaves with less regular and often less acute teeth; hairs often thinner and often longer or shorter; racemes more numerous (usually 2-5) without sterile or pinnatifid bracts at base; glandular hairs usually absent; capsules shorter and often ± cuneate. From V. leiocarpa it is distinguished by shorter stature, decumbent base of stems, narrower leaves, stronger pubescence and subcuneate capsule; from V. dichrus by taller stature, more strongly ascending stems, much narrower leaves with ± acute teeth and without long glandular hairs, longer inflorescence and ± flat seeds; from V. orientalis by the absence of entire margined leaves. subsp. sorgerae M. A. Fischer in Öst. Bot. Zeitschr. 118:144 (1970). Syn: V. mac-rostachya Vahl subsp. iconiensis M.A.Fischer in Öst. Bot. Zeitschr. 118:143 (1970)! Ic: op. cit. 143, f. 4; 145, f. 5 (1970). 2n= 16. Fl. 6. Open Quercus forest, calcareous rocks, 800-1600 m. Type: Turkey C4 Içel: 43 km ab oppido Mut prope viam versus oppidum Karaman (Cilicia veterum), in jugi transitu Sertavul dicto, in rupibus calcareis praeruptis septentrionem spectantibus, 1600 m, 9 vi 1966, Sorger 66-34-5 (holo. Hb. Sorger! iso WU!). Mainly S.Anatolia; local (?). C4 Konya: 20 km W. of Konya, 1250 m, Ehrend. 62-1/63-6 (type of subsp. iconiensis; 2n— 16)! 64 km from Karaman to Ermenek, 1450 m, Hııb.-Mor. 8616! Içel: nr Gülnar, 950-980 m, Hııb.-Mor. 10283! Probably endemic. E. Medit. (mt.) element. Similar to and perhaps related to V. dichrus and V. polifolia, it differs from V. dichrus by denser, thinner, much longer hairs and flat seeds, and from V. polifolia by much longer hairs, by absence of glandular hairs in raceme, and by flat seeds. subsp. mardinensis (Bornm.) M.A.Fischer, stat. nov. Syn: V. pectinata L. var. mardinensis Bornm. in Feddes Rep. 9:113 (1911)! V. macrostachya Vahl var. mardinensis (Bornm.) Riek in Feddes Rep. Beih. 79:21 & 27 (1935)! Fl. 5-6. Steppe, rocky calcareous slopes, c. 1100-2000 m. Type: [Turkey C8 Mardin] Mardin, Sintenis 1888:900 (iso. WU! E!). E. Anatolia. B7 Malatya: 20 km from Arapkir to Malatya, 1400 m, Hııb.-Mor. 10290! Elaziğ: halfway between Elaziğ and Kale, 1300 m, D. 28950! Sivas: Göl Da. nr Divriği, 2000 m, 1 vi 1968, T. Baytop (ISTE 12981)! Tunceli: c. 10 kmfrom Pertek to Tunceli, 1800 m, It. Leyd. 1580! C8 Mardin: Mardin, 1100 m, D. 28383! Endemic (?). Ir.-Tur. element. Closely allied to V. polifolia from which it differs by leaves ± larger, broader, with teeth more numerous (10-20 per side) and more acute; hairs longer, glandular hairs of raceme overtopped by 0.4-0.6 mm eglandular villous hairs; pedicels shorter (I .5-3 mm), 1/2 x bracts; bracts longer, pinnatifid. A very polymorphic species, probably of hybrid origin, and requiring further study. V. macrostachya Vahl subsp. schizostegia (Bornm.) M.A.Fischer, stat. nov. (Syn: V. macrostachya Vahl var. schizostegia Bornm. in Feddes Rep. 9:113, 1911) grows in adjacent N. Iraq and N.W. Iran. The 4 subspecies, fairly distinct in their typical forms, are connected by transitional populations. V. macrostachya is closely allied to V. pectinata, V. leiocarpa, V. dichrus, V. polifolia, V. orientalis and connected to each by intermediates. Gatherings from B7 Elaziğ: Cip. Cirik (ISTE 22581)! and C5 Niğde: Ala Da., Arpalik cave, 2190 m, Parry 160! are probably hybrids between V. macrostachya and V. multifida. |