Fabaceae |
![]() P. sativum subsp.elatius var.elatius |
Pisum L. Pisum sativum L. subsp. elatius (BIEB.) ASCHERS. ET GRAEBN. var. elatius (BIEB.) ASCHERS. ET GRAEBN. Ömür: Tek yıllık Yapı: ot Hayat formu: İlk çiçeklenme zamanı: 4 Son çiçeklenme zamanı: 5 Habitat: kayalık veya çimenlik ymaçlar, harabeler, tarla kenarları Minimum yükseklik: 0 Maksimum yükseklik: 1700 Endemik: - Element: Akdeniz Türkiye dağılımı: Trakya, Dış Anadolu Genel dağılımı: G. Avrupa, Kırım, K. Afrika, Kıbrıs, B. Suriye, Kafkasya Bulunduğu kareler :A1 A2 A4 A5 A8 A9 B1 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 |
P. sativum L., Sp. PL 727 (1753). Govorov in Bull. Appl. Bot. PL Breed. (Leningrad) 19(2):517 (1928); Zhukovsky, Turquie Agricole, 366 (1933). Glabrous, glaucous annual, stems 10-200 cm, often climbing. Leaflets 1-4-paired, entire or dentate; stipules 1.5-8 cm long, obliquely ovate, dentate at least below, rounded and semi-amplexicaul at base; tendrils branched. Peduncle ¼-4 x as long as the stipules, 1-3-flowered, with or without a short awn, usually larger than the leaflets. Flowers 16-30 mm, with a broad lilac standard and darker reddish-purple wings, or flowers white. Calyx 8-15(-20) mm; teeth sub-equal, longer than tube, ovate-lanceolate,' ± acuminate, herbaceous. Legume oblong-linear or linear, 40-70(-150) x 7-17(-30) mm; seeds 3-10, at least 5 mm diam., testa densely papillose, or smooth or wrinkled. Fl. 4-5{-6). 1. Seeds densely papillose; peduncles ¼-4 x as long as stipules; flowers bi-coloured; legumes 7-12 mm broad (wild) subsp. elatius 2. Flowers 20-30 mm; legumes (50-)55-70 x 9-12 mm; leaflets (l-)2-4-paired, ovate-elliptic, entire or subdentate; stems 30-200 cm 3. Peduncles l-2(-3)-flowered, 2-4 x as long as stipules; leaflets (2-)3-4-paired; stems 60-200 cm; flowers (20-)25-30 mm var. elatius 3. Peduncles 1-flowered, ¼-l(-l½) x as long as stipules; leaflets (l-)2(-3)-paired; stems 30-60 cm; flowers c. 20-22 mm var. brevipedunculatum 2. Flowers 15-18 mm; legumes 40-45 x 7-8(-ll) mm; leaflets 1-3-paired, elliptic or elliptic-obovate, usually ± dentate; stems 10-30 cm, more slender var. pumilio 1. Seeds not papillose, but smooth or wrinkled; peduncle ½-2 x as long as stipules; flowers white or bicoloured; legumes 12-17(-30) mm broad (cultivated, spontaneous or wild) subsp. sativum 4. Flowers bicoloured; stipules with a reddish spot; seeds 4-8 mm. often angled and blotched var. arvense 4. Flowers white; stipules without a reddish blotch; seeds usually larger, globose and unblotched var. sativum subsp. sativum. Ic: Villax, Cult. PL Fourr. Médit. Occid. t. 146 (1963). var. sativum. Ic: Reichb., Ic. Fl, Germ. 22: t. 270 (1903). Field crop. Described from Europe (Hb. Cliff.! Hb. Linn. 903/1!). A2(E) Istanbul: Pisani, Therapia, 29 vi 1890, Azn.! Bahçeköy, 9 vi 1892, Azn.! C5 Içel: Çukurova. Çakuli Köy nr. Tarsus, Beaver T203.Cosmopolitan. Cultivated for its edible seeds (field pea, Turkish bezelye) and represented by numerous cultivars. var. arvense (L.) Poiret. Syn: P. arvense L., Sp. Pl. 727 (1753). Ic: Reichb., Ic. Fl. Germ. 22: t. 269 (1903). Field weed, rocky places, ascending to 1250 m. Described from Europe. Widely scattered. Asia Minor, Aucher 1193. B5 Yozgat: 20 km from Yozgat to Yerköy, wheat field, 1100 m, Coode & Jones 1535 (doubtful)! C5/C6 Hatay: Amanus, Haradj. 204! C7 Urfa: d. Siverek, N. slope of Karacadağ, 1250 m, rocky basalt gulley, D. 28306! Cultivated for fodder (as the field pea) and spontaneous in Europe and S.W. Asia. The gathering cited from Karacadağ (D. 28306) was either wild or thoroughly naturalised. subsp. elatius (Bieb.) Aschers. & Graebn., Syn. Mitteleur. Fl. 6(2): 1064 (1910). Map 80, p. 363. var. elatius. Syn: P. elatius Bieb., Fl. Taur.-Cauc. 2:151 (1808). Ic: Reichb., Ic. Fl. Germ. 22: t. 268 (1903); Fl. Armenii 4 : t. 81 (1962). Rocky or grassy slopes, ruins, field margins, s.1.-1700 m. Wild. Type: [Georgia] Iberia, Steven. Turkey-in-Europe, Outer Anatolia, Islands. A1(E) Çanakkale: Gelibolu, Jam Baz De., Ingoldby 154! A1(A) Çanakkale: Erenköy, Dumbrek valley, Sint. 1883: 348! A2(E) Istanbul: Rumelihisari, 20 v 1918, B. Post! A2(A) Istanbul: valley of Büyük Göksu, 2 v 1917, Azn.! A4 Kastamonu: Inebolu, nr. Ibras, Sint. 1892: 4059. A5 Amasya: Çengelhan, nr. Amasya, 600 m, Bornm. 1889:248. A8 Çoruh: Artvin (Grossheim: map 527). A9 Çoruh, Ardanuç (Grossheim: map 527). Bl Izmir: Ilica, Soğan dere, 200-300 m, Bornm. 1906:9427. B5 Adana: Gürümze, 1700 m, Kotschy 154! Cl Muğla: nr. Selimiye, 170 m, D. 40727! C2 Aydin: d. Karacasu, Aphrodisias (Geyre), 600-700 m, D. 41610! C3 Antalya: Kirkoz,, 300 m, Tengwall 332! C4 Içel: Anamur to Silifke, Karamanoğlu 21/1961! C5 Hatay: El Ourdou (Yayladağ), 420 m, Samuelsson 5292. C6 Hatay: 30 km from Antakya, 800 m, Dinsmore 20337! Is: Samos, W of Marathokampos, Rech. 4073. S. Europe, Crimea, N. Africa, Cyprus, W. Syria, Caucasia, N. Iran. Medit. element ? var. brevipedunculatum Davis & Meikle in Notes R.B.G. Edinb. 29:' 320 (1969). Fields, vineyards, hollows, roadsides, 700-1000 m. Holotype: B4 Ankara, Dikmen, 8 vi 1933, Kotte (K!). C. Anatolia, Amanus. A5 Çorum: 2 miles S of Iskilip, 700 m, Coode & Jones 1818 (and cult. Edinb.)! B4 Ankara: Çankaya, c. 1000 m, Lindsay 5a! C4 Konya: Küçük Köy, Helbaek 2437 (doubtful)! C6 Hatay: nr. Belen, 900 m, Kotschy 358! Cyprus. Largely replacing var. elatius and var. pumilio in C. Anatolia, and somewhat intermediate between them, though closer to the former. var. pumilio Meikle in Notes R.B.G. Edinb. 29: 320 (1969). Syn: P. humile Boiss. & Noë in Boiss., Diagn. ser. 2(2):45 (1856) non Miller (1768). Ic: Kult. Fl. SSSR 4: f. 104, 105. Peduncles usually ½-2 x as long as stipules, l(-2)-flowered. Scrub, rocky slopes, fallow fields, 700-1800 m. Type: Turkey B7 Elaziğ: prope Bakker Maaden (Maden), v 1852, Noë. Mainly E. Anatolia; local in N.W. & S. Anatolia. A2(A) Istanbul: Riva, rare, 12 vi 1893, A:n. (introduced?)! B4 Ankara: Kavakli-dere, 900 m, Bornm. 1929: 14051. B6 Sivas: nr. Gemerek, 1400 m, Stn. & Hend. 5113! B7 Elazig: Maden,1000 m, D. 28869! B8 Siirt: 6 km W of Bekirhan, 700 m, Cheese & Watson i 184! C2 Muğla: d. Fethiye, Myra, Forbes 194 p.p.! C3 Antalya: Büyük Orman işletmesi, Deneme Sahasi, 700 m, Alpay (ANKO 2150)! C5 Adana/Içel: Tekir Tepesi pass, S of Pozanti, 1300-1800 m, Ehrendorfer 62-1/69-1/70! C6 Gaziantep: Dülük Baba, 7 km N of Gaziantep, 1100 m, D. 28049! C10 Hakkari: nr. junction of Van-Hakkari and Yüksekova roads, 1700 m, D. 44638 (and cult. Edinb.)! W. Syria, Cyprus, N. Iraq, Syrian Desert, N.W. & W. Iran, N. Egypt. Plants intermediate between var. pumilio and var. elatius occur in E. Anatolia (e.g. C8 Diyarbakır: 5 km NE of Ergani, D. 29049! C9 Siirt: above Şirnak, 1400-1500 m, D. 42595!) and W. Syria. In the absence of fruit, many specimens can only be referred to P. sativum sensu lato. |