Asteraceae |
![]() Picris strigosa var. strigosa |
Picris L. Picris strigosa BIEB. var. strigosa BIEB. Ömür: İki veya Çok yıllık Yapı: ot Hayat formu: İlk çiçeklenme zamanı: 6 Son çiçeklenme zamanı: 8 Habitat: kayalık yamaç, step Minimum yükseklik: 600 Maksimum yükseklik: 2000 Endemik: - Element: İran-Turan Türkiye dağılımı: Karasal Anadolu, G. Anadolu Genel dağılımı: Kafkasya, K., B. ve O. İran, B. Suriye Bulunduğu kareler :A4 A5 A7 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 C2 C3 C5 C6 C7 C8 C10 |
P. strigosa Bieb., Fl. Taur.-Cauc. 2:250 (1808). Syn: P. glaucescens DC., Prodr. 7:130 (1838)! P. glomerata C.Koch in Linnaea 23:666 (1851); P. persica Gand. in Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 65:53 (1918)! P. turcomanica Gand., loc. cit. (1918)! P. strigosa Bieb. f. gracilis Bornm. & Gauba in Feddes Rep. 41:314 (1937)! P. strigosa Bieb. var. subinflata Bornm. & Gauba, op. cit. 315 (1937)! P. strigosa Bieb. subsp. turcomanica Bornm. & Sint. in Feddes Rep. Beih. 89:396 (1944)! P. strigosa Bieb. var. libanotica Bornm., op. cit. p. 395 (1944)! P. strigosa Bieb. var. ramulosissima Bornm., op. cit. p. 395 (1944)! P. subinflata (Bornm. & Gauba) Rech. in Öst. Bot. Zeitschr. 97:261 (1950)! Erect biennial or perennial with indumentum containing lanate hairs and 2- and 4-barbed and less frequently 3-barbed glochids. Stems strictly branched (10-)30-75 cm. Basal leaves withered at anthesis; lower cauline elliptic or oblanceolate, 3-10 x 0.5-3 cm, distantly and shallowly dentate, upper smaller or much reduced. Peduncles not thickened in fruit. Involucres obconical, turbinate at base, 1-1.4 x 1-1.5 cm; phyllaries whitish-tomentose and usually bearing rather few glochids c. 1 mm. Ligules exserted c. 5 mm from involucre. Achenes homomorphic, fusiform, but attenuate and subrostrate or sometimes abruptly and very shortly attenuate at apex, 4.5-6.5 x 0.75-1 mm, dark brown, glabrous. Pappus hairs numerous, (4.5-)6-7.5 mm, plumose. Fl. 6-8. Rocky slopes, steppe, 600-2000 m. Type: [USSR] in collibus herbidis Promontorii Caucasici orientalis versus mare caspium, circa saxum Beschbarak, Bieberstein (LE!). Inner & S. Anatolia. A4 Çankiri: c. 1 km S. of Doğlu jandarma on road to Çankiri, 1430 m, Buttler 15575! A5 Kastamonu: above Tosya, Sint. 1892:5346! A7 Gümüşane: Koesoedagh (Köse Da.), Sint. 1890:3378! B4 Ankara: S. of Koçhisar, Eroğlu 9472! B5 Kayseri: 20 km from Kayseri to Ankara, c. 1000 m. M.&D.Zohary 2251! B6 Malatya: 65 km from Malatya to Gürün, 1400 m, McNeill 180! B7 Tunceli: Hozat, D. 31126! B8 Muş: 3 km from Hasangüran, between Muş and Bulanik, Hub.-Mor. 11272! B9 Van: d. Çatak, Kavuşşahap Da., 1980 m, D. 23002! C2 Antalya: 13 km from Elmali to Avian G., Hub.-Mor. 10058! C3 Isparta: d. Sütçüler, Dedegöl Da. between Selköşe and Oruz Gaz Y., D. 15919! C5 Içel: Bulgar Maden, 1400 m, Siehe 616! C6 Maraş: Maraş, Hausskn.! Gaziantep: Aintab (Gaziantep), Haıısskn.! C7 Urfa: Urfa, Kotschy 92!C8 Mardin: Caballa, Sint. 1888:1248! C10 Hakkari: Cilo Da., Avaspi (Aviş?) De., 1400 m, 15 viii 1968, Vogel! Caucasia, N., N.W., W. & C. Iran, W. Syria. Ir.-Tur. element. The following specimen of this variable species, D. 23813 (C10 Hakkari: Zab gorge, 48 km S. of Başkale), differs considerably from the above: the peduncles become somewhat thickened at maturity, the involucre is ovoid and rounded at the base, glochids on the phyllaries are numerous and mostly c. 4 mm long, many with not yet extended barbs (thus superficially barbless), the achenes are abruptly and very shortly attenuate at apex, pale to mid-brown. Similar material has been seen from W. Iran and N. Iraq and further study may reveal that this is a distinct taxon, to be described in Flora Iranica. |