Papaveraceae |
![]() Papaver tauricula |
![]() Papaver tauricula |
![]() Papaver tauricola |
P. tauricola: Boiss., Fl. Or., 1: 109(1867). Syn: P. hyoscyamifolium Boiss.& Hausskn. in Boiss., Fl. Or., 1 : 110 (1867) p.p. Figure 8, p. 223. Stems paniculately branched, leafy, 30-40 cm, sparsely spreading-setose. Leaves pinnatisect with oblong, entire or irregularly serrate segments, hispid-setose. Buds hispid with long, orange-brown hairs. Capsule ovate-globose, rounded at the base, covered with long, white adpressed bristles springing from the base, or glabrous (var. leiocarpum (Boiss.) Fedde). Disc acutely pyramidal. Fl. 6-8. Screes and rocky slopes, 1100-2800 m. Many syntypes cited from Anatolia. E. Anatolia, Cilician Taurus and Anti-Taurus. Taurus mountains, Kotschy 14 (isosyntype): A8 Erzurum: Horasan to Karaurgan, 2000 m. D. 29500! B5 Kayseri: Bakır Da., 1700 m, D. 19404! B6 Maraş: above Elbistan, 1200 m, Stn. & Hend. 5666! Sivas: Tecer to Gürün, 1800 m. Hub.-Mor. 13937! Seyhan: Bakir Da. to Saimbeyli, 1850 m, Hub.-Mor. 10939! B7 Tunceli: Tunceli to Pülümür, 1100 m, D. 29234! B9 Bitlis: W flank of Nemrut Da., 2000 m, D. 23590! C5 Içel: Cilician gates (Gülek Boğaz), Bal. 429! Niğde: Masmoutli Da., Solakli, 2000 m, Siehe 1906: 465! C6 Malatya: Sürgü to Perveri, 1340 m, Hub.-Mor. 13938! Seyhan: Yağlipinar, S of Yarpuz, 1500 m, Hub.-Mor. 15243! N. Iraq, Iran. Possibly not distinct from the Iranian P. persicum Lindl. The glabrous-fruited variant (var. leiocarpum) links this species to the next. |