Orobanchaceae |
![]() Orobanche purperea |
Orobanche L. |
O. purpurea Jacq., Enum. Stirp. Vindob. 108 (1762). Syn: Phelipaea coerulea (Vill.) C.A. Meyer, Verz. Pfl. Cauc. 104 (1831). Ic: Beck, Monogr. Orob. t. 2 f. 28 (1890); Ross-Craig, Draw. Brit. Pl. 23: t. 22 (1966). Usually unbranched, 15-60 cm tall, scurfy or mealy-glandular. Bracts and calyx scurfy-glandular. Calyx teeth lanceolate, acuta, usually shorter than tube, rarely longer, middle vein thick, purplish or leaden-grey. Corolla inclined forward, 18-32 mm, usually sparingly and extremely shortly glandular-pilose. Anthers glabrous or bearing a tuft of hairs. Fl. 7. Usually on Anthemis, Artemisia and Achillea, nr S.I.-2300 m. Type: [Austria] in collibus et montosis siccis agri Vindobonensis, Jacquin (holo. W!). N.W. Turkey, C. & S., Anatolia, Islands. A2(E) Edirne: Bosnaköy, Stojanov & Urumov. A2(E) Istanbul: Saray N.W. of Istanbul, Stojanov & Urumov. A2(A) Istanbul: Çatal Da., nr Alem Da., 5 vi 1892, Azn.! A4 Ankara: Kizilcahamam, 1960, Fitz! A5 Amasya: Ak Da., 800-1400 m, Boram. A6 Sivas:, Yildizdağ, 2300 m, Sorger 76-8-79! B3 Konya: Sultan Da., 1000 m, Boram. 1899:5416. C2 Antalya: nr Elmali. Bourgeau. C5 Adana: Karakilisse to Guyuk Su (Göksu), 10 vii 1906, B. Post! C6 Maraş: 10 km N. of Andirin, 900 m, Sorger 73-14-34! Is: Samos, Fors.-Maj. 397. Canary Islands, N. Africa, C. & S. Europe, Transcaucasia, Syria, N. Iran, Afghanistan, E. India. Sect. Orobanche (Syn: Osproleon Wallr.) Flowers with 1 bract, but without bracteoles. Spike and stem nearly always unbranched. Calyx cleft into two lateral halves, each of them entire or with 2 teeth, the halves rarely connate near base. |