Orobanchaceae |
![]() Orobanche elatior |
Orobanche L. |
O. elatior Sutton in Trans. Linn. Soc. London 4:178, t. 17 f. 4 (1797). Syn: O. major L., Sp. PL 632 (1753) p.p., nom. ambig., non Lam., Jacq., Crantz, Scop, et auctt. Ic: Ross-Craig, Draw. Brit. PL 23: t. 25 (1966). Stem 15-70 cm. Bracts usually equalling flowers. Calyx halves bidentate, rarely undivided, teeth acuminate, 3-veined, slightly more than half length of corolla tube. Corolla 15-26 mm, curved-infundibular, gradually enlarged above insertion of stamens, throat wide and spreading, first rose, then pale yellowish, rarely lemon-yellow, finely glandular-pilose; whole dorsal line curved, apex shortly erect. Upper lip usually undivided, lower lip with sub-equal lobes, limb glabrous or sparingly glandular-pilose. Stamens inserted 4-6 mm above corolla base, abundantly pilose below, glandular-pilose above, anthers acuminate and shortly apiculate. Style glandular-pilose, stigma waxy-yellow. Fl. 6-8. Usually on Centaurea and Echinops, 750-2600 m. Described from Europe (Hb. Linn. 798/2). N.W. Turkey, N.E., S. & adjacent E. Anatolia. A2(E) Istanbul: around Byzantium (Istanbul), Rigler. A2(A) Bursa: Bithynian Olympus (Ulu Da.), Sestini. A3 Bolu: Abant G., 1350 m, A. & T. Baytop (ISTE 18433)! A8 Rize: d. Hemschin (Hemşin), 1790 m, 1843, C. Koch. A9 Çoruh: Ardanuç to Kordevan Da., 1150 m, D. 30091! B6 Maraş: Berit Da., 2300 m, Hausskn. B7 Malatya/Adiyaman: Kahta to Malatya, 2450 m, Hand.-Mazz. 2331. C5 Içel: Bulgar Da., 2600 m, Kotschy 1853:171b! C6 Hatay: Cassius (Akra Da.) towards Ain el Aramié, 7.00 m, Wall. C9 Hakkari: Siares Da. nr Gulamerik (Hakkari), 1700 m, Nábĕlek 741. C10 Hakkari: above Talana church, S. of Cilo Da., 2440 m, Trelawny 1601! Europe, S.W., C. & E. Asia. |