Liliaceae |
![]() Muscari armeniacum |
![]() Muscari armeniacum |
![]() Muscari armeniacum |
Muscari MILLER Muscari armeniacum LEICHTLIN EX BAKER Ömür: Çok yıllık Yapı: ot Hayat formu: İlk çiçeklenme zamanı: 3 Son çiçeklenme zamanı: 5 Habitat: kalkerli yamaçlar, Juniperus çalılıkları, Pinus brutia ve sylvestris ve Quercus ormanları Minimum yükseklik: 0 Maksimum yükseklik: 275 Endemik: - Element: ? Türkiye dağılımı: Türkiye Genel dağılımı: Yugoslaveyaa, Bulgaristan, Yunanistan, Kafkasya, KB. İran Bulunduğu kareler:A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B9 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 |
M.armeniacum LeichtlinexBakerinGard.Chron.n.s.9:798(1878). Syn: ?M. pendulum Trautv. in Acta Horti Petrop. 2:484 (1873); M. szovitsianum Baker in Gard. Chron. n.s. 9:799 (1878); M; polyanihum Boiss., Fl. Or. 5:278 (1884)! M. pauperulum Stapf in Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-Nat. Kl. 50:78 (1885)! M. pyramidatum Velen., Fl. Bulg. 556 (1891)! M. colchicum Grossh. in Trudy Azerb.Otd.Zakavk.Fil. Akad. NaukSSSR, Bot. 1.50(1933); M. cyaneoviolaceum Turrill in Bot. Mag. 157: t. 9372 (1934)! ?M. dolychan-thum Woronow&TroninFl.URSS4:744(1935);.?M. woronowii A.Los.-Los. & Tron in Fl. URSS 4:744 (1935); M. steupii Woronow & Tron, op. cit. 745 (1935); M. alpanicum SchcMan in Zam. Sist. Geogr. Rast. 2:13 (1938); M. sosnovskyi Schchian in Trudy Tbilissk. Bot. Inst. 10:224(1946). Ic: Bot. Mag. 112: t. 6855 (1886); Bot. Mag. 152: t. 9157 (1928); Rix & Phillips, Bulb Book 71(f) (1981). Figure 12. Bulb 1-2.5 cm, diam., with or without offsets. Leaves (2-)3-5(-7), linear to narrowly linear-lanceolate (rarely linear-elliptic), 10-30 cm x l-5(-10) mm, upper surface green, without a white line. Scape 10-40 cm. Raceme dense to very dense, ovate to cylindrical with imbricate flowers, 1.5-4 x 1-1.5 cm, elongating and lax in fruit. Fertile flowers obovoid to oblong-urceolate, 3.5-5.5 x 2-3 mm, sky blue or violet-tinged, constricted distaJly; lobes white or paler than tube (rarely concolorous), 0.5-1 mm. Stamens biseriate, attached at and above middle of tube. Sterile flowers few, paler and concolorous. Fruiting raceme elongate and lax. Capsule obovate-orbicuiar, 4-6 x 4-7 mm, subemar-ginate. Seeds 1.8-2.2 mm diam. 2n=18. Fl. 3-5(-7). Limestone slopes, rock outcrops, sometimes on serpentine or schist, often in Juniperus scrub, Pinus brutia forest with Quercus, Pinus sylvestris woods, Sarcopoterium spinosum phrygana, pastures, sand dunes, s.l.-2750 m. Described from material of unknown origin cultivated at Kew (nolo. K!). Widespread. A1(E) Çanakkale: Kuru Da., A. & T. Baytop (lSTE 12622)! A2(E) Istanbul; above Kağithane, Demiriz 4269! A2(A) Kocaeİi: Gebze, D. 26257 (2n = 18)! A3 Bolu: Abant G., O. Polunin 15941 (flowers blue, concolorous)! A4 Kastamonu: Küre, D. 39375 (2n = 18)! A5 Sinop: Sinop promontory, 15 m, Tobey 136! A6 Amasya: Erbaa to Çatalan, 450m,Tobey 1552! A7 Gümüşane: Kelkit, 1900 m, Stainton 8439 (2n = 18)! A8 Rize: lspir to Rize, Ovit Y., 2615 m, Karamanoğlu & Koyuncu 3224! A9 Kars: Karaurgan to Sarikamiş, Yağmurlu Da., 2200 m, D. 29467 (2n = 18)! Bl/2 lzmir: Boz Da., Heübronn & Başarman! B2 Kütahya: d. Simav, Kiçir to Akdağ, 2000 m, Coode & Jones 2746! B3 Konya: Sultan Da., 1250 m, Ocakverdi 523! B4 Ankara: Elma Da., 1580 m, Balls 2143! B5 Kayseri: mt. Argaeus (Erciyas Da.) above Tcbomakli (Çomakli), 1830 m, Kotschy 284 (syntype of M. poly-anthum)! B6 Maraş: Göksun to Çardak, nr Findik, 1300 m, D. 27610! B7 Erzincan: Munzur Silsilesi, Tayran Da., 2750 m, Watson et al. 3356! B9 Ağri: N. side of pass between Erciş, and Patnos, D, 43470! C2 Aydin: Baba Da. above Seki, 1100 m, D.41539! C3 Antalya: Cevizli to Akseki, 1150 m, Demiriz 4547! C4 lçel: Gülnar to Gilindire, 700 m, D. 26029! C5 Adana: Gorumse (Gürümze), Tschosch Da., 1830 m, Kotschy 73 (syntype of M. polyanlhum)! . C6 Adana: d. Haruniye, Dumanlı Da., 1300 m, D. 26877! Jugoslavia, Bulgaria, Greece, Caucasia; N.W. Iran? Baker described the flowers of M. armeniacum as 'bright deep violet', and those of the conspecific M. szovitsianum as 'bright blue'; they are colour variants of the same species. M. pauperulum Stapf, collected by Luschan from the summit of Ak Da. in Lycia (C2 Antalya), is apparently a very depauperate alpine form of M. armeniacum. M. schliemanni Freyn & Ascherson in Flora 68:6 (1885), described from the Trojan Ida range (Bl Balıkesir), is probably a synonym of M. armeniacum. Without flower colour notes, herbarium material of M. armeniacum may be impossible to distinguish from the navy blue M. neglectum. Robust specimens described from Cappadocia and the Anti-Taurus as M. polyanthum Boiss. (1884) cannot be confidently separated from the variable M. armeniacum Baker — an earlier name apparently overlooked by Boissier. Similar 'M. polyanthum' gatherings with broad leaves, pedicels up to twice as long as the flowers, and small capsules (probably immature) have been seen from several provinces: A3 Sakarya (A. Baytop ISTE 34449), A6 Sivas (T. Baytop lSTE31853), B6 Maraş, (D. 27610) and B9 Ağri (D. 43536). Some gatherings of very similar habit are noted as having 'dark blue' flowers: A9 Kars (D. 29467, 2n = 28), B2 Kütahya (Cpode & Jones 2746) and B9 Agri (D. 43470). Nearly all this robust material (whether bright blue or dark blue) comes from wet habitats, and the bulbs are often split, bearing two or even more scapes. It is not clear what the status of the dark blue populations is — whether they are part of M. armeniacum, or whether M. neglectum is in some way involved. |