Poaceae |
![]() Melica eligulata |
Melica L. |
M. eligulata Boiss., Diagn. ser. 1(13):56 (1854). Syn: M. angustifolia Boiss. & Bal. in Boiss., Diagn. ser. 2(4): 131 (1859)! M. ramosa Vill. var. eligulata (Boiss.) Boiss., Fl. Or. 5:586 (1884)! M. minuta L. var. eligulata (Boiss.) Bornm. in Beih. Bot. Centr. 31(2):272 (1914)! M. angustifolia Boiss. & Bal. f. planifolia Bornm., loc. cit. (1914). Map 99. Tufted perennial. Stems 35-50 cm, 1-1.5 mm broad below. Leaf sheaths glabrous;ligule 0-0.5 mm; blades narrowly linear, l-2(-3) mm broad, glabrous, usually flat. Panicle narrow, with ascending peduncles, sparingly branched below, with 5-22 ascending but secund spikelets. Pedicels suberect, l-12 mm. Spikelets glabrous. Glumes unequal, subacute or acute, median part often purplish-tinged, margin hyaline. Lower glume 2.5-4.5 mm, 5-veined; upper glume 3.5-6.5 mm, 7-veined. Fertile florets usually 2; lemmas elliptic, 7(-9)-veined, exserted. Sterile upper florets forming a clavate 2-2.5 mm mass. Cary-opsis 2 mm. Fl. 4-6. Pinus brutia forest, scrub on metamorphic slopes, shady limestone rocks and crevices, 150-1100 m. Type: [Iran] in Persia boreali loco non indicato, Kotschy 718 (holo. G!). S. Anatolia. C5 Içel: c. 40 km S. of Pozanti, 1100 m, It. Leyd. 1959:977! Adana: d. Missis, Nur Da., above Kizildere, 200 m, D. 26743! Hatay: mt. Cassius (Akra Da.), 518 m, 8 vi 1884, G. Post! C6 Adana: d. Bahçe, Dumanli Da. nr Haruniye, 700-900 m, D. 27236! Maraş: d.Andirin, 13 km S. of Çatak, 800 m, Coode & Jones 1136! Hatay: d. Dörtyol, Kuzuculu to Bülke, 300 m, Coode& Jones 518! Latakia, Lebanon, N. Iran. E. Medit. element. Not always readily distinguished from M. minuta (with a spreading panicle, acute to acuminate glumes and longer ligules) and the S. Aegean M. rectiflora Boiss. & Heldr. (with thicker blackish-purple lower sheaths and more elongate glumes). |