Fabaceae |
![]() Medicago coronata |
Medicago L. Medicago coronata (L.) BART. Ömür: Tek yıllık Yapı: ot Hayat formu: İlk çiçeklenme zamanı: 3 Son çiçeklenme zamanı: 5 Habitat: kayalık kireçtaşı yamaçlar, taşlı ovalar, Pinus brutia ormanı, maki, çorak yerler Minimum yükseklik: 0 Maksimum yükseklik: 1000 Endemik: - Element: Akdeniz Türkiye dağılımı: Trakya, B., G. ve D. (G. uç) Anadolu Genel dağılımı: G. Avrupa, K. Afrika, Kıbrıs, B. Suriye, Suriye Çöl, K. Irak, Azerbaycan Bulunduğu kareler:A2 B1 B3 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C8 |
M. coronata (L.) Bart., Cat. Piante Siena 61 (1776). Syn: M. polymorpha L. var coronata L., Sp. P1. 780 (1753)! M. vermicularis Ces. in Bot. Anh. Ces. & Fenzl 274 (1838); Ic: Fiori, Ic. Fl. Ital. ed. 2: f. 1928 (1921); Heyn, op. cit. t. 2A, B (1963). Figure 13, p. 493. Small annual ascending herb, (5-)7-15(-20) cm, simple-hairy or with simple and glandular hairs. Stipules entire or with dentate margin of few minute, distant teeth. Leaflets 5-8(-12) x 4-6 mm, obovate, rarely oblanceolate or cuneate, retuse, with a terminal tooth. Peduncle (3-)6-12(-16)-flowered in a short, head-like inflorescence, usually much longer than petiole. Flowers minute, 2-3 mm. Calyx teeth shorter than tube, one tooth usually longer. Corolla usually less than twice as long as calyx. Young fruit protruding sideways from the calyx. Fruit minute, short-cylindrical, 1-4 mm high, spiny, pubescent, rarely glabrescent; coils 1½-2½(-3½), loose, each l½|-4 mm diam.; surface of coils with 5-8 prominent radial veins, each producing 1-2 branches, ail entering into a submarginal vein near the marginal border; a deep furrow, not observable from side of pod, between submarginal vein and marginal border; spines inserted at 90º, about 10 from each side of each coil, nearly straight and 0.5-1.5 mm when short, usually hooked when longer. Fl. 3-5. Rocky limestone slopes, stony plains, Pinus brutia forest, macchie, waste places, s.l-1000 m. Type: The illustration of 'Medica coronata cherleri parva' J. Bauhin & Cherler, Hist. Pl. (1651). (Heyn, 1959). Turkey-in-Europe, W., S. & E. (southern) Anatolia, Islands. A2(E) Kocaeli: Gerede to Izmit, 50 m, D. 41998! A2(A) Istanbul: Pendik, 21 v 1893, Azn.! Bl Izmir: Smyrna, iii 1827, Fleischer! B3 Afyon: Karakuyu, 1000 m, Hub.-Mor. 10411. Cl Aydin: Priene, 50-100 m, D. 40786! C2 Muğla: Söğüt to Bozburun, s.l-50 m, D. 41213! C3 Antalya: Korkuteli, Jackson 5007! C4 Içel: Mut to Büyük Eğri Da., 1000 m, Coode & Jones 837! C5 Içel: Corycos, 400 m, Siehe 1895:37! C6 Hatay: d. Dörtyol, Rabat, s.l., Coode & Jones 463! C8 Mardin: Savur to Mardin, nr. Rişmil, 900 m, D. 28542! Is: Lesvos, Cand.; Ikaria, Ag. Kyrikos, Gathorne-Hardy 610! Samos, E of Kamova village, Gathorne-Hardy 689! Fournoi, Rech. 4603! Khalki, 3 v 1964, Gathorne-Hardy 751! Rodhos, mt. Akremiti, Rech. 7423! S. Europe, N. Africa, Cyprus, W. Syria, Syrian Desert, N. Iraq, Azerbaijan. Medit. element. A variable species in which several infraspecific taxa have been recognised. Because of the abundance of intermediate forms, no such taxa have been adopted here. |