Fabaceae |
![]() Lathyrus gorgoni var. gorgoni |
Lathyrus L. Lathyrus gorgoni PARL. var. gorgoni PARL. Ömür: Tek yıllık Yapı: ot Hayat formu: İlk çiçeklenme zamanı: 4 Son çiçeklenme zamanı: 6 Habitat: tahıl ve nadas tarlaları, sulak çayırlar, hendekler Minimum yükseklik: 0 Maksimum yükseklik: 1070 Endemik: - Element: D. Akdeniz Türkiye dağılımı: G. ve D. Anadolu Genel dağılımı: Sicilya, Sardinya, K. Sina, B. Suriye, Kıbrıs, K. Irak Bulunduğu kareler :A1 A2 B7 B8 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C8 |
L. gorgoni Parl. in Gior. Sci. Sic. 62:3 (1838). Diffuse or scrambling, glabrous annual, 20-60 cm. Stems with the wings about as broad as stem. Median and upper leaves bearing mostly 3-sect tendrils; leaflets 1-paired, elliptic-lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, 30-70 x 3-15 mm; stipules ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate, semi-sagittate, 2-3 x as broad as stem. Peduncles 1-flowered, shorter to as long as the leaves. Calyx 7-9 mm; teeth subequal, narrowly lanceolate acuminate, 2-3 x as long as tube, ± patent in flower, reflexed in fruit. Corolla light gingery orange, 15-18 mm; keel pale, wings narrowly obovate-oblong. Legume oblong-linear, 35-47 x 8-9 mm, upper suture shortly 3-keeled, usually ± recurved, valves ± dotted with sessile glands, otherwise glabrous or sometimes adpressed-pilose; style 7-9 mm. Seeds 5-8, smooth, 4-5 mm. Fl. (3-)4-6. Corn and fallow fields, water-meadows, ditches, s.l-1070 m. 1. Valves of legumes not hairy var. gorgoni 1. Valves of legumes adpressed-pilose var. pilosus var. gorgoni. Syn: L. amoenus Fenzl in Russegger, Reise 1:890, t. 2 (1843). Ic: Reichb., Ic. Fl. Germ. 22: t. 203 (1903). Figure 3, p. 323. Map 74, p. 345. Described from Sicily. S. & E. Anatolia. B7 Elaziğ: Maaden, 1070 m, E. S. Brown 2458! B8 Diyarbakır: 20 km from Diyarbakir to Ergani, 750 m, D. 28811! C2 Muğla: d. Fethiye, Xanthus, 50 m, D. 25463! C3 Antalya: 6 km N of Antalya, 3 v 1936, Tengwall. C4 Içel: Anamur, D. 25952 p.p.! C5Içel: 10 km S E of Tarsus, Hub.-Mor. 13332! C6 Adana: nr. Toprakkale. Alava 6575! Hatay: Top Boghazi-Baghlama, 120 m, Wall; Gaziantep: distr. Aintab (Gaziantep), Haradj. 448. C8 Siirt: 27 km from Kurtalan to Beşiri, 500 m, D. 42962! Sicily, Sardinia, Cyrenaica, N. Sinai, W. Syria, Cyprus, N. Iraq. E. Medit. element. var. pilosus C.C. Townsend in Kew Bull. 21:454 (1968). Map 74, p. 345. Type: Iraq: Baqubah, cornfield, 23 iii 1932, E. G. Guest, Rustam 1711 (holo. K!). Scattered. A2(E) Istanbul: Domouzdere, 29 v 1892, Azn.! A2(A) Istanbul: Soğuksu, A. Baytop 5143! C5/6 Adana: Ceyhan to Osmaniye, 500 m, D. 26715! N. Iraq. E. Medit. element. It seems likely that L. tiriopolitanus David. (Spis. Bălg . Akad. Nauk 12:1915), described from A1(E) Tekirdağ (Çorlu, Davidoff), may be synonymous with this variety, but the description is so inadequate that its identity cannot be established with certainty in the absence of material from the locus classicus; its type could not be traced in Sofia. 42. L. pseudo-cicera Pamp. in Nuovo Gior. Bot. Ital. n.s. 31:213 (1924). Syn: L. cicera L. var. lineatus Post, Fl. Syria 292 (1896)! Figure 3, p. 323. Map 79, p. 363. Distinguished from L. cicera (which it resembles in facies and the shape of its calyx and fruit) by its gingery-orange flowers, corolla wings narrowly obovate-oblong, prominent straight longitudinal nerve running down the centre of each valve, and longer style (5-7 mm). Differing from L. gorgoni (which it resembles in flower colour and shape of its corolla wings) in having usually narrower leaflets, less attenuate sepals not reflexed in fruit, and straight, always strongly lineate legumes with a somewhat shorter style. Fl. 4-5. Fallow fields, 150-750 m. Syntypes: [Cyrenaica] B.: Selmani e Lete; Rahba; Karmu;- fra Selmani e Hauari Osman; Hauari; [Pampanini] (Fl). E. Anatolia (Mesopotamia) and adjacent Hatay. B7 Diyarbakır: Elaziğ to Diyarbakir, c. 20 km S E of Ergani, It. Ley d. 1957:1502! C6 Hatay: Amuk plain, Haradj. 908 (as L. gorgoni)! Gaziantep: Kizilhisar, 25- km from Gaziantep to Kilis, 750 m, D. 28035! Aintab (Gaziantep), Post Hb. (BM! syntype of i. cicera var. lineatus Post)! C7 Urfa: 16 km from Urfa to Akçakale, 500 m, D. 28086! C8 Mardin: Mardin to Nusaybin, 650 m, D. 28463! Cyrenaica, N. Egypt, Palestine, Syrian Desert, N. Iraq, W. Iran. Ir.-Tur. element. The Turkish material fits the type description well, except that the style is somewhat shorter (5-7 instead of 9 mm). Some confusion has occurred between this taxon and forms of L. cicera with more obscurely and irregularly lineate legumes. A strongly lineate form of L. gorgoni has been seen from Palestine (Jordan: Gamala, Meyers & Dinsmore 934b!). Whether such 'intermediates' are the result of homologous variation or hybridisation certainly cannot be decided in the herbarium. In the absence of field studies. L. pseudo-cicera is accepted as a species that seems better delimited from L. gorgoni in Turkey than it is in Palestine and Iraq. |