Fabaceae |
![]() Lathyrus aphaca var. modestus |
Lathyrus L. Lathyrus aphaca L. var. modestus P. H. DAVIS Ömür: Tek yıllık Yapı: ot Hayat formu: İlk çiçeklenme zamanı: 5 Son çiçeklenme zamanı: 5 Habitat: kireçtaşı yamaçları, çalılık, nadas tarlaları Minimum yükseklik: 500 Maksimum yükseklik: 1300 Endemik: - Element: D. Akdeniz Türkiye dağılımı: G. Anadolu Genel dağılımı: Kıbrıs Bulunduğu kareler :A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 B1 B2 B4 B6 B7 B9 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 |
L. aphaca L., Sp. PL 729 (1753). Slender trailing or scrambling annual, 5-50 cm, glabrous. Stems not winged. Median stipules broadly ovate, 5-30 mm, shortly hastate; rest of leaf reduced to a simple tendril. Peduncles 1-2-flowered, 1-4 x as long as the stipules. Flowers 7-13 mm. Calyx 3-9 mm; teeth subequal, (l-)l⅓-3 x as long as tube. Corolla bright to very pale yellow. Legume linear-oblong, straight or incurved, 18-35 x 4-6 mm, glabrous. Seeds smooth, 2-3.5 mm. The L. aphaca complex reaches its maximum variability in Anatolia. The following classification accommodates most of the variation found in Turkey, but varietal misidentification is easy in the absence of notes on flower colour. Collateral cultivation will be needed to test character constancy, but there is no doubt that populations are fairly uniform in the features used for recognition here. Seed-coat pattern is probably not a reliable diagnostic character (cf. Barnes in J. Botany 71:24 (1933)). Several of the varieties have eco-geographical preferences, and intermediates are relatively uncommon in Turkey. The external distribution of only the more restricted varieties has been given, and even these may not be complete. The nomenclature adopted here may need revision when the relationship between Turkish and European variants is better understood. 1. Flowers 10-13 mm, usually concolorous; calyx 6-8(-9) mm; legume 25-35 x 5.5-6 mm; median stipules 10-30 mm; peduncles 1-4 x as long as stipules 2. Peduncles always 1-flowered, 1-2 x as long as stipules (elongating further in fruit) 3. Flowers ± bright yellow var. aphaca 3. Flowers cream or sulphur var. affinis 2. At least some of the peduncles 2-flowered, 2-3(-4) x as long as stipules 4. Flowers bright yellow var. biflorus 4. Flowers pale sulphur var. floribundus 1. Flowers (7-)8-10 mm, the standard violet-veined or concolorous; calyx (3-)5-6 mm; legume 18-22 x 3.5-4.5 mm; median stipules 5-15(-18) mm; peduncles (l-)2-3 x as long as stipules. (More slender plants than the above varieties) 5. Flowers pale sulphur or cream, the standard violet-veined; calyx teeth 2-3 x tube var. pseudoaphaca 5. Flowers bright yellow, concolorous; calyx teeth (l-)l½-2 x tube var. modestus var. modestus P. H. Davis in Notes R.B.G. Edinb. 29: 319 (1969). Limestone slopes, scrub, fallow fields, 500-1300 m. Fl. 5. Type: [Turkey C6 Maraş] d. Pazarcik, Narli to Karabiyikli, 600-700 m, rocky limestone slopes in oak scrub, Davis 27837 (holo. E!). S. Anatolia. C4 Içel: d. Mut, Magras Da., 1300 m, Coode & Jones 792! C5 Adana: Pozantı, 760 m, 1917, V. Christian! C6 Maraş: d. Pazarcik, Narli, 500 m, D. 27761! Also growing in Cyprus; E. Medit. element. Two flowering gatherings from C6 Adana (Nur Da., D. 42272! Toprakkale, D. 26918!) with 2-flowered peduncles are intermediate between var. modestus and var. biflorus. Distribution of species: W., C. & S. Europe, N. Africa, S.W. & C. Asia; probably alien in the north and easternmost part of its range. |