Iridaceae |
![]() Iris iberica subsp.elegantissima |
Iris L. |
I.iberica Hoffm. in Comm. Soc. Phys. Mosq, 1:41 (1806/08). Plant 13-30 cm. Rhizome compact, non-stoloniferous. Leaves 4-6, falcate, greyish-green, 0.2-0.6 cm broad. Bract and bracteole 3-7.2 cm, greenish, sometimes veined brown. Perianth tube 2-3.5 cm; falls broadly elliptic to ± orbicular, 3.5-6.5(-8.6) x 2.7-6.5 cm, often emarginate, heavily veined and spotted brownish-purple or deep purple on a white ground, with an orbicular blackish or dark brown signal spot in centre and sparsely to densely bearded on claw with a wide band of long purplish-brown hairs; standards ± orbicular,4.5-8.5(-ll) x 3.5-7.4(-8.4) cm, pure white or veined brown or purple, sometimes as densely as falls; style braaches 3-5.5(-7) x 1.2-2.5 cm, with erect or reflexed crenulate lobes Q.8-2(-2.5) x 0.7-1.8(-2) cm. Capsule fusiform, 7-9 x 2-2.5 cm; seeds c. 5 mm with a large white aril. 1. Falls heavily spotted and veined brownish-purple on a white ground; standards pure white or sightly veined at base subsp. elegantissima 1. Falls and standards heavily veined and spotted brownish-purple or dark purple on a white ground subsp. lycotis subsp. elegantissima (Sosn.) Takht. & Fedorov, Fl. Erevana ed. 2:331 (1972). Syn: /. elegantissima Sosn. in Monit. Jard. Bot. Tiflis 36:2 (1915). Ic: Bot. Mag. 96: t, 5847 (1870); FL Iraniea 112: t. 12 f. 4(1975);Mathew,The Iris b. & w. t. 14 & 15 (1981). Figure 14. Map 57. Fl. 5-6. Rocky or sandy hillsides, in short turf or steppe, often on igneous rock formation, 1100-2250 m. Syntypes: [Turkey A8/9 Erzurum] Prov. Kars. Distr. Oity. Inter Tedzerek et Toprach-Kala, in collibus siccis. 15 v [19] 12 - prope p. Katrys, in Agris. 25 v [ 19] 12 - Olty, E. Koenig (TBI). E. Anatolia. A8 Erzurum: Tortum, Ozyurt 1065. A9 Erzurum: Horasan, 1800 m, Baron 2166! Kars: 25 km from Kağizman to Kars, 1720 m, Güner İ549! B8 Erzurum: E.of Erzurum, 2000 m, Furse&Synge 207! B9 Erzurum: Tahir pass, E. of Aktaş, 2250 in, Watson et al. 1612! Ağri: 10 km E. of Tutak, 1500 m, D. 4347i! Yas: Van. to Muradiye, T. Baytop (İSTE 27833)! B10 Kars: Afri Da,, pass S. of Iğdir, 1100 m, Mathew & Tomlinson 4277! Agri: Dofubayazit, Ayyildiz ar Gürbulak, 1600 m, Güner 1552! N.W. Iran, Soviet Armenia ( W, Nakhichevan). Ir.-Tur. element. |